Title | Author | Source |
Characterization of a chip-based bioreactor for three-dimensional cell cultivation via Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Gottwald, E. / Kleintschek, T. / Giselbrecht, S. / Truckenmüller, R. / Altmann, B. /Worgull, M. / Döpfert, J. / Schad, L. / Heilmann, M. (2013) |
Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik, 2013, 23, 2, 102-110 |
Bacterial Quorum Sensing Molecule Induces Chemotaxis of Human Neutrophils via Induction of p38 and Leukocyte Specific Protein 1 (LSP1) | Kahle, N. / Brenner-Weiss, G. / Overhag, J. / Obst, U. / Hänsch, G. (2013) |
Immunobiology 2 (2013), 218, 145-51 |
Cement-associated peri-implantitis: a retrospective clinical observational study of fixed implant-supported restorations using a methacrylate cement | Korsch, M. / Obst, U. / Walther, W. (2013) |
Clinical Oral Implants , 2014, 25, 7, 797-802 |
Expression of genes involved in rhamnolipid synthesis in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 in a bioreactor cultivation | Schmidberger, A. / Henkel, M. / Hausmann, R. / Schwartz, T. (2013) |
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 97 (2013), 13, 5779-5791 |
Online monitoring of biofilm growth and activity using a combined multi-channel impedimetric and amperometric sensor | Pires, L. / Sachsenheimer, K. / Kleintschek, T. / Waldbaur, A. / Schwartz, T. / Rapp, B. (2013) |
Biosensors & Bioelectronics (2013), 47, 157-163 |
Response of biofilm bacterial communities to antibiotic pollutants in a Mediterranean river | Proia, L. / Lupini, G. / Osorio, V. / Pérez, S. / Barceló, D. / Schwartz, T. / Amalfitano, S. / Fazi, S. / Romaní, A. / Sabater, S. (2013) |
Chemosphere 92 (2013), 9, 1126-1135 |
Hydrophobic Liquid-Infused Porous Polymer Surfaces for Antibacterial Applications | Li, J. / Kleintschek, T. / Rieder, A. / Cheng, Y. / Baumbach, T. / Obst, U. / Schwartz, T. / Levkin, P. (2013) |
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 5 (2013), 14, 6704-6711 |
Deuterium and Tritium Labelling of N-Acyl-L-homoserine Lactones (AHLs) by Catalytic Reduction of a Double Bond in the Layer-by-Layer Method | Jakubczyk, D. / Merle, C. / Brenner-Weiss, G. / Luy, B. / Bräse, S. (2013) |
Eur J Org Chem. (2013), 24, 5323-5330 |
Quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation coupled to on-chip MALDI-ToF mass spectrometry as a tool for characterising proteinaceous conditioning films on functionalised surfaces | Kirschhöfer, F. / Rieder, A. / Prechtl, C. / Kühl, B. / Sabljo, K. / Wöll, C. / Obst, U. / Brenner-Weiß, G. (2013) |
Analytica Chemica Acta 801 (2013), 95-102 |
Microbial analysis of biofilms on cement surfaces: An investigation in cement-associated peri-implantitis | Korsch, M. / Walther, W. / Marten, S. / Obst, U. (2013) |
Int J Artif Organs , 2014, 12, 2, 70-80, doi: 10.5301/jabfm.5000206 |
Human host defense peptide LL-37 stimulates virulence and adaptive resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa | Strempel, N. / Neidig, A. / Nusser, M. / Geffers, R. / Vieillard, J. / Lesouhaitier, O. / Brenner-Weiss, G. Overhage, J. (2013) |
PLosOne 8 (2013), 12 |
Drinking water biofilms on copper and stainless steel exhibit specific molecular responses towards different disinfection regimes at waterworks | Jungfer, C. / Friedrich, F. / Varela Villarreal, J. / Brändle, K. / Gross, H. / Obst, U. / Schwartz, T. (2013) |
Biofouling 29 (2013), 8, 891-907 |
DNase I and Proteinase K eliminate DNA from injured or dead bacteria but not from living bacteria in microbial reference systems and natural drinking water biofilms for subsequent molecular biology analyses | Varela Villarreal, J. / Jungfer, C. / Obst, U. / Schwartz, T. (2013) |
Journal of Microbiological Methods 94 (2013) 161–169 |
Kinetic modeling of the time course of N-butyryl-homoserine lactone concentration during batch cultivations of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 | Henkel, M. / Schmidberger, A. / Kühnert, C. / Beuker, J. / Bernard, T. / Schwartz, T. / Syldatk, C. / Hausmann, R. (2013) |
Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 97 (2013), 17, 7607-7616 |
Inactivation of Pseudomonas putida by Pulsed Electric Field Treatment: A Study on the Correlation of Treatment Parameters and Inactivation Efficiency in the Short-Pulse Range | Frey, W. / Gusbeth, C. / Schwartz, T. (2013) |
J. Membrane Biol. 246 (2013), 10, 769-781 |
Expression of genes involved in rhamnolipid synthesis in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 in a bioreactor cultivation | Schmidberger, A. / Henkel, M. / Hausmann, R. / Schwartz, T. (2013) |
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 97 (2013), 13, 5779-5791 |
Online monitoring of biofilm growth and activity using a combined multi-channel impedimetric and amperometric sensor | Pires, L. / Sachsenheimer, K. / Kleintschek, T. / Waldbaur, A. / Schwartz, T. / Rapp, B. (2013) |
Biosensors and Bioelectronics (2013), 47, 157–163 |
Urban wastewater treatment plants as hotspots for the release of antibiotics in the environment: A review | Michael, I. / Rizzo, L. / McArdell, C. /Manaia, C. / Merlin, C. / Schwartz, T. / Dagot, C. / Fatta-Kassinos D. (2013) |
Water Research 3 (2013), 47, 957-995 |
Urban wastewater treatment plants as hotspots for antibiotic resistant bacteria and genes spread into the environment: a review | Rizzo, L. / Manaia, C. / Merlin, C. / Schwartz, T. / Dagot, C. / Ploy, M. / Michael, I. / Fatta-Kassinos, D. (2013) |
Science of The Total Environment (2013), 447, 345-360 |
Response of biofilm bacterial communities to antibiotic pollutants in a Mediterranean river | Proia, L. / Lupini, G. / Osorio, V. / Pérez, S. / Barceló, D. / Schwartz, T. / Amalfitano, S. / Fazi, S. / Romaní, R. / Sabater, S. (2013) |
Chemosphere 92 (2013), 9, 1126-1135 |
Sub-inhibitory concentrations of antibiotics and wastewater influencing biofilm formation and gene expression of multi-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa wastewater isolates | Bruchmann, J. / Kirchen, S. / Schwartz, T. (2013) |
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 20 (2013), 6, 3539-3549 |
Nanoscale Departures: Excess Lipid Leaving the Surface During Supported Lipid Bilayer Formation | Zhu, L. / Gregurec, D. / Reviakine, I. (2013) |
Langmuir 29 (2013), 49, 15283–15292 |
The New Faces of Biointerfaces? | Reviakine, I. |
Biointerphases 8, 26 (2013) |
An expanded genetic code in Candida albicans to study protein-protein interactions in vivo | Palzer, S. / Bantel, Y. / Kazenwadel, F. / Berg, M. / Rupp, S. / Sohn, K. (2013) |
Eukaryotic Cell 12 (2013), 6, 816–27 |
In situ magnetic separation of antibody fragments from Escherichia coli in complex media | Cerff, M. / Scholz, A. / Franzreb, M. / Batalha, I. / Roque, A. / Posten, C. (2013) |
BMC biotechnology 13 (2013), 44 |
Removal of the nonionic surfactant Eumulgin ES from protein solutions by means of adsorption and ultrafiltration | Fischer, I. / Franzreb, M. (2013) |
Separation and Purification Technology 118 (2013), 217–225 |
Surface Properties of Nanostructured, PEG-Based and PEG-Modified Bio-Active Interfaces: Implications for Cell–Surface Interactions | Platzman, I. / Muth C. / Lee-Thedieck, C. / Pallarola, D. / Atanasova, R. / Louban, I. / Altrock, E. / Spatz, J. (2013) |
RSC Advances |
Regulation of hematopoietic stem cell behaviour by the nanostructured presentation of extracellular matrix components | Muth, C. / Steinl, C. / Klein, G. / Lee-Thedieck, C. (2013) |
PLoS ONE 8 (2013), 2 |
Preparation, scale-up and testing of nanoscale, doped amide systems for hydrogen storage | Ulmer, U. / Hu, J. / Franzreb, M. / Fichtner, M. (2013) |
International journal of hydrogen energy 38 (2013), 3, 1439- 1449 |
Surface anchored metal-organic frameworks as stimulus responsive antifouling coatings | Arpa Sancet, M. / Hanke, M. / Wang, Z. / Bauer, S. / Azucena, C. / Arslan, H. / Heinle, M. / Gliemann, H. / Wöll, C. / Rosenhahn, A. (2013) |
Biointerphases 8 (2013) |
Magnetic Nanoparticles: Magnetic Cores with Porous Coatings: Growth of Metal-Organic Frameworks on Particles Using Liquid Phase Epitaxy | Silvestre, M. / Franzreb, M. / Weidler, P. / Shekhah, O. / Wöll, C. (2013) |
Advanced Functional Materials 23 (2013), 9, 1210–1213 |
Continuous protein purification using functionalized magnetic nanoparticles in aqueous micellar two-phase systems | Fischer, I. / Hsu, C. / Gärtner, M. / Müller, C. / Overton, T. / Thomas, O. / Franzreb, M. (2013) |
Journal of Chromatography A 1305 (2013), 7–16 |
Biofunctional Micropatterning of Thermoformed 3D Substrates | Waterkotte, B. / Bally, F. / Nikolov, P. / Waldbaur, A. / Rapp, B. / Truckenmüller, R. / Lahann, J. / Schmitz, K. / Giselbrecht, S. (2013) |
Advanced Functional Materials 24 (2013), 4, 442–450 |
Phosphate recovery from wastewater using engineered superparamagnetic particles modified with layered double hydroxide ion exchangers | Drenkova-Tuhtan, A. / Mandel, K. / Paulus, A. / Meyer, C. / Hutter, F. / Gellermann, C. / Sextl, G. / Franzreb, M. / Steinmetz, H. (2013) |
Water Research 47 (2013), 15, 5670–5677 |
Integrated system for temperature-controlled fast protein liquid chromatography comprising improved copolymer modified beaded agarose adsorbents and a travelling cooling zone reactor arrangement | Müller, T. / Cao, P. / Ewert, S. / Wohlgemuth, J. / Liu, H. / Willett, T. / Theodosiou, E. / Owen, T. / Franzreb, M. (2013) |
Journal of Chromatography A (2013), 1285, 97–109 |
Multi-cycle recovery of lactoferrin and lactoperoxidase from crude whey using fimbriated high-capacity magnetic cation exchangers and a novel "rotor-stator" high-gradient magnetic separator | Brown, G. / Müller, C. / Theodosiou E. / Franzreb, M. Thomas, O. (2013) |
Biotechnol. Bioeng. 110 (2013), 6, 1714–1725 |
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Hochporöses magnetisches temporäres Festbett | Hausmann, R., Franzreb, M. (2007) |
EP 2 035 106 B1, 2013 |
Title | Author | Source |
Low frequency dielectric properties of three bentonites at different adsorbed water states | Kaden, H. / Königer, F. / Strømme, M. / Niklasson, G. / Emmerich, K. (2013) |
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 411 (2013), 16-26 |
Comparison of methods for distinguishing sodium carbonate activated from natural sodium bentonites | Kaufhold, S. / Emmerich, K. / Dohrmann, R. / Steudel, A. / Ufer, K. (2013) |
Applied Clay Science 86 (2013), 23-37 |
Strategies for the successful preparation of homoionc smectites | Steudel, A. / Emmerich, K. (2013) |
Applied Clay Science 13-21 (2013), 75-76 |
Einwirkung von Tausalzen auf die Verkehrsinfrastruktur – von den Reaktionsmechanismen zum Präventionskonzept | Schwotzer, M. / Konno, K. / Gerdes, A (2013) |
Forschung aktuell 2013, 34-39 |
Neue Ansätze für ein Lebenszyklusmanagement der Straßeninfrastruktur | Stöckner, M. / Gerdes, A. / Schwotzer, M. (2013) |
Straße und Autobahn (2013), 6, 421-428 |
Enhanced ethanol sensing response from nanostructured ZnO: MoO3 thin films and their mechanism of sensing | Illyaskutty, N. / Kohler, H. / Trautmann, T. / Schwotzer, M. / Mahadevan Pillai, V. (2013) |
J. Mater. Chem. C 1 (2013), 25, 3976-3984 |
Hydrogen and ethanol sensing properties of molybdenum oxidenanorods based thin films: Effect of electrode metallization and humid ambience | Illyaskutty, N. / Kohler, H. / Trautmann, T. / Schwotzer, M. / Mahadevan Pillai, V. (2013) |
Sensors and Actuators B 187 (2013), 611-621 |
Monolayer Doping via Phosphonic Acid Grafting on Silicon: Microscopic Insight from Infrared Spectroscopy and Density Functional Theory Calculations | Longo, R. / Cho, K. / Schmidt, W. / Chabal, Y. / Thissen, P. (2013) |
Advanced Functional Materials 27 (2013), 23, 3471-3477 |
Recovery of Nonwetting Characteristics by Surface Modification of Gallium-Based Liquid Metal Droplets Using Hydrochloric Acid Vapor | Kim, D. / Thissen, P. / Viner, G. / Lee, D. / Choi, W. / Chabal, Y. / Lee, J. (2013) |
ACS applied materials & interfaces 1 (2013), 5, 179-185 |
Simultaneous thermal analysis of different bentonite–sodium carbonate systems: an attempt to distinguish alkali-activated bentonites from raw materials | Steudel, A. / Mehl, D. / Emmerich, K. (2013) |
Clay Minerals 48 (2013), 1, 117-128 |
Title | Author | Source |
Enhancing durability of cement based materials - from surface chemistry to material performance | Schwotzer, M. / Gerdes, A. (2013) |
Proc. of the International Conference of Multifunctional Materials, Energy and Environment, Noida, Indien, 2013, 27 |
Title | Author | Source |
Full characterization of smectites | Emmerich, K. (2013) |
Bergaya, F. / Lagaly, G. (2013): Handbook of Clay Science. Amsterdam:Elsevier, 381-404 |
Title | Author | Source |
Multifunctional polymer scaffolds with adjustable pore size and chemoattractant gradients for studying cell matrix invasion | Greiner, M. / Jäckel, M. / Scheiwe, A. / Stamow, D. / Autenrieth, T. / Lahann, J. / Franz, C. / Bastmeyer, M. (2013) |
Biomaterials 35 (2014), 611-619 |
Fabrication of highly uniform gel-coatings by conversion of surface-anchored metal organic frameworks | Tsotsalas, M. / Liu, J. / Tettmann, B. / Grosjean, S. / Shahnas, A. / Wang, Z. / Azucena, C. / Addicoat, M. / Heine, T. / Lahann, J. / Overhage, J. / Bräse, S. / Gliemann, H. / Wöll, C. (2013) |
J Am Chem Soc 136 (2013), 1, 8-11 |
Biofunctional Micropatterning of Thermoformed 3D Stubstrates | Waterkotte, B. / Bally, F. / Nikolov, P. / Waldbaur, A. / Rapp, B. / Truckenmüller, R. / Lahann, J. / Schmitz, K. / Giselbrecht, S. (2013) |
Advanced Functional Materials (2013) |
Co-Immobilization of Biomolecules on Ultrathin Reactive Chemical Vapor Deposition Coatings Using Multiple Click Chemistry Strategies | Bally, F. / Cheng, K. / Nandivada, H. / Deng, X. / Ross, A. / Panades, A. / Lahann, J. (2013) |
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 5 (2013), 19 9262-9268 |
Controlled Microstructuring of Janus Particles Based on a Multifunctional Poly (ethylene glycol) | Sokolovskaya, E. / Yoon, J. / Misra, A. / Bräse, S. / Lahann, J. (2013) |
Macromolecular Rapid Communications 34 (2013), 19, 1554-1559 |
Functional Polymer Coatings For The Fabrication Of Cell Culture Substrates | Kratzer, D. / Bally, F. / Ross, A. / Eyster, T. / Barner, L. / Bräse, S. / Barner-Kowollik, C. / Lahann, J. (2013) |
Polym. Adv. Technol. (2013), 24, 139-140 |
Ultra-Thin Biofunctional Polymer Coatings Via CVD Polymerization | Bally, F. / Deng, X. / Ross, A. / Nandivadac, H. / Weiss, J. / Lahann, J. (2012) |
Polym. Adv. Technol. (2013), 24, 157-158 |
Interdigitated Multicolored Bioink Micropatterns by Multiplexed Polymer Pen Lithography | Brinkmann, F. / Hirtz, M. / Greiner, A. / Weschenfelder, M. / Waterkotte, B. / Bastmeyer, M. / Fuchs, H. (2013) |
Small 19 (2013), 9, 3266-3277 |
Spatially Controlled Surface Immobilization of Non-Modified Peptides | Pauloehrl, T. / Welle, A. / Bruns, M. / Linkert, K. / Börner, H. / Bastmeyer, M. / Delaittre, G. / Barner-Kowollik, C. (2013) |
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 37 (2013), 52, 9714–9718 |
Three-Dimensional Microscaffolds Exhibiting Spatially Resolved Surface Chemistry | Richter, B. / Pauloehrl, T. / Kaschke, J. / Fichtner, D. / Fischer, J. / Greiner, A. / Wedlich, D. / Wegener, M. / Delaittre, G. / Barner-Kowollik, C. / Bastmeyer, M. (2013) |
Advanced Materials 25 (2013), 42, 6117-6122 |
Controlled Cell Adhesion on Poly(dopamine) Interfaces Photo-Patterned with Non-Fouling Brushes | Rodriguez-Emmenegger, C. / Preuss, C. / Yameen, B. / Pop-Georgievski, O. / Bachmann, M. / Mueller, J. / Bruns, M. / Goldmann, A. / Bastmeyer, M. / Barner-Kowollik, C. (2013) |
Advanced Materials 25 (2013), 42, 6123-6127 |
Surface engineering the cellular microenvironment via patterning and gradients | Ross, A. / Lahann, J. (2013) |
Journal of Polymer Science part B: Polymer Physiscs 10 (2013), 51, 775-794 |
Title | Author | Source |
Design of bioactive surfaces via reactive CVD coatings: multiple applications in bioanalytics and for new cell culture substrates | Bally, F. / Giselbrecht, S. / Bog, U. / Waterkotte, B. / Nikolov, P. / Lahann, J. (2012) |
European Polymer Congress – EPF 2013, Pisa, Italien, 16-21 Juni, 2013 |
Title | Author | Source |
Post-Synthetic Modification of Metal–Organic Framework Thin Films Using Click Chemistry: The Importance of Strained C–C Triple Bonds | Wang, Z. / Liu, J. / Arslan, H. / Grosjean, S. / Hagendorn, T. / Gliemann, H. / Bräse, S. / Wöll, C. (2013) |
Langmuir 29 (2013), 51, 15958-15964 |
Calcium Thin Film Growth on a Cyano-Substituted Poly(p-phenylene vinylene): Interface Structure and Energetics | Sharp, J. / Bebensee, F. / Baricuatro, J. / Steinrück, H. / Gottfried, J. / Campbell, C. (2013) |
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117 (2013), 45, 23781-23789 |
A Mild and Efficient Approach to Functional Single-Chain Polymeric Nanoparticles via Photoinduced Diels–Alder Ligation | Altintas, O. / Willenbacher, J. / Wuest, K. / Oehlenschlaeger, K. / Krolla-Sidenstein, P. / Gliemann, H. / Barner-Kowollik, C. (2013) |
Macromolecules 46 (2013), 20, 8092-8101 |
Carbon nanowalls: The next step for physical manifestation of the 'black body' coating | Krivchenko, V. / Evlashin, S. / Mironovich, K. / Verbitskiy, N. / Nefedov, A. / Wöll, C. / Kozmenkowa, A. / Suetin, N. / Svyakhohskiy, S. / Vyalikh, D. / Rakhimov, A. / Egorov, A. / Yashina, L. (2013) |
Nature Scientific Reports 3 (2013) |
Surface anchored metal-organic frameworks as stimulus responsive antifouling coatings | Arpa Sancet, M. / Hanke, M. / Wang, Z. / Bauer, S. / Azucena, C. / Arslan, H. / Heinle, M. / Gliemann, H. / Wöll, C. / Rosenhahn, A. (2013) |
Biointerphases 8 (2013) |
Quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation coupled to on-chip MALDI-ToF mass spectrometry as a tool for characterising proteinaceous conditioning films on functionalised surfaces | Kirschhöfer, F. / Rieder, A. / Prechtl, C. / Kühl, B. / Sabljo, K. / Wöll, C. / Obst, U. / Brenner-Weiß, G. (2013) |
Analytica Chemica Acta 801 (2013), 95-102 |
Electronic structure, adsorption geometry, and photoswitchability of azobenzene layers adsorbed on layered crystals | Ludwig, E. / Strunskus, T. / Hellmann, S. / Nefedov, A. / Wöll, C. / Kippa, L. / Rossnagel, K. (2013) |
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 15 (2014), 46, 20272-20280 |
Flame-made Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 catalyst for dimethyl ether production | Ahmada, R. / Hellinger, M. / Buchholz, M. / Sezen, H. / Gharnati, L. / Wöll, C. / Sauer, J. / Döring, M. / Grunwaldt, J. / Arnold, U. (2013) |
Catalysis Communications 43 (2013), 52-56 |
On the dielectric and optical properties of surface-anchored metal-organic frameworks: A study on epitaxially grown thin films | Redel, E. / Wang, Z. / Walheim, S. / Liu, J. / Gliemann, H. / Wöll, C. (2013) |
Applied Physics Letters 103 (2013), 9 |
Elucidating elementary processes at Cu/ZnO interfaces: A microscopical approach | Zychma, A. / Wansing, R. / Schott, V. / Köhler, U. / Wöll, C. / Muhler, M. / Birkner, A. (2013) |
Physica Status Solidi B 250 (2013), 6, 1071-1080 |
Spontaneous Change in Molecular Orientation at Order-Disorder Transition of Tetracene on Ag(111) | Sueyoshi, T. / Willenbockel, M. / Naboka, M. / Nefedov, A. / Soubatch, S. / Wöll, C. / Tautz, S. (2013) |
J. Phys. Chem. C 117 (2013), 18, 9212-9222 |
Kinetic Isotope Effect in the Hydrogenation and Deuteration of Graphene | Paris, A. / Verbitsky, N. / Nefedov, A. / Wang, Y. / Fedorov, A. / Haberer, D. / Oehzelt, M. / Petaccia, L. / Usachov, D. / Vyalikh, D / Sachdev, H. / Wöll, C. / Knupfer, M. / Büchner, B. / Calliari, L. / Yashina, L. / Irle, S. / Grüneis, A. (2013) |
Advanced Functional Materials 23 (2013), 13, 1628-1635 |
Fabrication and characterization of iron and fluorine co-doped BST thin films for microwave applications | Stemme, F. / Bruns, M. / Geßwein, H. / Schroeder, M. / Sazegar, M. / Drahus, M. / Eichel, R. / Paul, F. / Azucena, C. / Binder, J. (2013) |
Journal of Materials Science 48 (2013), 9, 3586-3596 |
Site-Selective Growth of Surface-Anchored Metal-Organic Frameworks on Self-Assembled Monolayer Patterns Prepared by AFM Nanografting | Ladnorg, T. / Welle, A. / Heißler, S. / Wöll, C. / Gliemann, H. (2013) |
Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 4 (2013), 638-648 |
Chemische Aktivität von dünnen Oxidschichten: Starke Träger- Wechselwirkungen ergeben eine neue ZnO-Dünnfilmphase | Schott, V. / Oberhofer, H. / Birkner, A. / Xu, M . / Wang, Y / Muhler, M. / Reuter, K. / Wöll, C. (2013) |
Angewandte Chemie 125 (2013), 45, 12143-12147 |
Chemical Activity of Thin Oxide Layers: Strong Interactions with the Support Yield a New Thin-Film Phase of ZnO | Schott, V. / Oberhofer, H. / Birkner, A. / Xu, M . / Wang, Y / Muhler, M. / Reuter, K. / Wöll, C. (2013) |
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 52 (2013), 45, 11925-11929 |
Temperature effects in the vibrational spectra of self-assembled monolayers | Forster-Tonigold, K. / Stammer, X. / Wöll, C. / Groß, A. (2013) |
Physical Review Letters (2013) |
Surface grafting of a dense and rigid coordination polymer based on tri-para-carboxy-polychloro-triphenylmethyl radical and copper acetate | Mugnaini, V. / Paradinas, M. / Shekhah, O. / Roques, N. / Ocal, C. / Wöll, C. / Veciana, J. (2013) |
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 4 (2013), 793-800 |
Magnetic Nanoparticles: Magnetic Cores with Porous Coatings: Growth of Metal-Organic Frameworks on Particles Using Liquid Phase Epitaxy | Silvestre, M. / Franzreb, M. / Weidler, P. / Shekhah, O. / Wöll, C. (2013) |
Advanced Functional Materials 23 (2013), 9, 1210–1213 |
Vibrational spectroscopic study on pure and metal-covered metal oxide surfaces | Noei, H. / Jin, L. / Qiu, H. / Xu, M. / Gao, Y. / Kauer, M. / Wöll, C. / Muhler, M. / Wang, Y. (2013) |
Physica Status Solidi B 6 (2013), 250, 1204-1221 |
Adsorption and Diffusion in Thin Films of Nanoporous Metal-Organic Frameworks: Ferrocene in SURMOF Cu2(ndc)2(dabco) | Heinke, L. / Wöll, C. (2013) |
PhysChemChemPhys 23 (2013), 15, 9295-9299 |
Water Adsorption on r-TiO2(110): Presence of a well-defined (1x1)-structure as evidenced by He-Atom Scattering | Osterloh, N. / Silber, D. / Traeger, F. / Wöll, C. (2013) |
Physica Status Solidi (2013), 250, 1235-1241 |
Resemblance of Electrospun Collagen Nanofibers to Their Native Structure | Bürck, J. / Heissler, S. / Geckle, U. / Ardakani, M. F. / Schneider, R. / Ulrich, A. S. / Kazanci, M. (2013) |
Langmuir 29 (2013), 5, 1562–1572 |
Title | Author | Source |
Oberflächengebundene metall-organische Netzwerke (SURMOFs): Neue Materialien mit hohem Anwendungspotential in der Sensorik | Gliemann, H. (2013) |
Fachsymposium des Vereins HybridSensorNet e.V., Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 29. November, 2013 |
XPS and NEXAFS Investigations of Organic Molecular Self-Assembly on Epitaxial Graphene | Nefedov, A. / Zhang, W. / Naboka, M. / Secen, H. / Cao, L. / Wöll, C. (2013) |
ECASIA 2013, Cagliari, Italien, 13.-18. Oktober, 2013 |
Infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy for characterization of monolayers on ceramic surfaces | Stammer, X. / Heißler, S. / Wöll, C. (2013) |
Internat.Conf.for Optical Characterization of Materials, Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 6.-7. März, 2013 |
Probing shallow trapped electron states and related processes of TiO2 probing with UHV-IRRAS | Sezen, H. / Natzeck, C. / Yang, C. / Nefedov, A. / Wöll, C. (2013) |
Frühjahrstagung DPG, Sektion Kondensierte Materie, Fachverband Oberflächenphysik, Regensburg, Deutschland, 10.-15. März, 2013 |
Organic molecular self-assembly on epitaxial grapheme | Nefedov, A. / Zhang, W. / Naboka, M. / Sezen, H. / Cao, L. / Wöll, C. (2013) |
Frühjahrstagung DPG, Sektion Kondensierte Materie, Fachverband Oberflächenphysik, Regensburg, Deutschland, 10.-15. März, 2013 |
Infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy on metal oxide single crystals | Buchholz, M. / Nefedov, A. / Wöll, C. (2013) |
Aus den Hexenküchen der Materialwissenschaften (From the Witches Cauldrons in Materials Science), Goslar, Deutschland, 29.-30.April, 2013 |
Carbon monoxide on ZnO(10-10) surface: An infrared reflectionabsorption spectroscopy study | Buchholz, M. / Nefedov, A. / Wöll, C. (2013) |
Frühjahrstagung DPG, Sektion Kondensierte Materie, Fachverband Oberflächenphysik, Regensburg, Deutschland, 10.-15. März, 2013 |
Adsorption of formic acid on ZnO (10-10) - An infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy study | Buchholz, M. / Li, Q. / Fink, K. / Nefedov, A. / Wöll, C. (2013) |
Bunsentagung 2013: 112. Hauptversammlung der Deutschen Bunsen-Gesellschaft für Physikalische Chemie e.V., Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 9.-11.Mai, 2013 |
Title | Author | Source |
Advanced Applications of NEXAFS Spectroscopy for Functionalized Surfaces, in Surface Science Techniques | Nefedov, A. / Wöll, C. (2013) |
Bracco, G. / Holst, B. (Hrsg.): Springer Series in Surface Science, v. 51. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 277-303 |
'Functionality-on-a-stick': complex self-assembling virus derivatives – fabrication, activation and integration into technical environments | Wege, C. / Eber, F. / Azucena, C. / Degenhard, S. / Geiger, F. / Bittner, A. / Walheim, S. / Förste, A. / Huang, C. / Schimmel, T. / Jeske, H. / Gliemannn, H. (2013) |
Schimmel, T. / Löhneysen, H. / Barczewski, M. (Hrsg.): Advances in Nanotechnology - Physics, Chemistry, and Biology of Functional Nanostructures. Stuttgart: Baden-Württemberg Stiftung GmbH |
Title | Author | Source |
Urban wastewater treatment plants as hotspots for the release of antibiotics in the environment: A review | Michael, I. / Rizzo, L. / McArdell, C. /Manaia, C. / Merlin, C. / Schwartz, T. / Dagot, C. / Fatta-Kassinos D. (2013) |
Water Research 3 (2013), 47, 957-995 |
Urban wastewater treatment plants as hotspots for antibiotic resistant bacteria and genes spread into the environment: a review | Rizzo, L. / Manaia, C. / Merlin, C. / Schwartz, T. / Dagot, C. / Ploy, M. / Michael, I. / Fatta-Kassinos, D. (2013) |
Science of The Total Environment (2013), 447, 345-360 |
DNase I and Proteinase K eliminate DNA from injured or dead bacteria but not from living bacteria in microbial reference systems and natural drinking water biofilms for subsequent molecular biology analyses | Varela Villarreal, J. / Jungfer, C. / Obst, U. / Schwartz, T. (2013) |
Journal of Microbiological Methods 94 (2013) 161–169 |
Inactivation of Pseudomonas putida by Pulsed Electric Field Treatment: A Study on the Correlation of Treatment Parameters and Inactivation Efficiency in the Short-Pulse Range | Frey, W. / Gusbeth, C. / Schwartz, T. (2013) |
J. Membrane Biol. 246 (2013), 10, 769-781 |
Sub-inhibitory concentrations of antibiotics and wastewater influencing biofilm formation and gene expression of multi-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa wastewater isolates | Bruchmann, J. / Kirchen, S. / Schwartz, T. (2013) |
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 20 (2013), 6, 3539-3549 |
Response of biofilm bacterial communities to antibiotic pollutants in a Mediterranean river | Proia, L. / Lupini, G. / Osorio, V. / Pérez, S. / Barceló, D. / Schwartz, T. / Amalfitano, S. / Fazi, S. / Romaní, A. / Sabater, S. (2013) |
Chemosphere 92 (2013), 9, 1126-1135 |
Online monitoring of biofilm growth and activity using a combined multi-channel impedimetric and amperometric sensor | Pires, L. / Sachsenheimer, K. / Kleintschek, T. / Waldbaur, A. / Schwartz, T. / Rapp, B. (2013) |
Biosensors and Bioelectronics (2013), 47, 157–163 |
Online monitoring of biofilm growth and activity using a combined multi-channel impedimetric and amperometric sensor | Pires, L. / Sachsenheimer, K. / Kleintschek, T. / Waldbaur, A. / Schwartz, T. / Rapp, B. (2013) |
Biosensors & Bioelectronics (2013), 47, 157-163 |
Drinking water biofilms on copper and stainless steel exhibit specific molecular responses towards different disinfection regimes at waterworks | Jungfer, C. / Friedrich, F. / Varela Villarreal, J. / Brändle, K. / Gross, H. / Obst, U. / Schwartz, T. (2013) |
Biofouling 29 (2013), 8, 891-907 |
Expression of genes involved in rhamnolipid synthesis in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 in a bioreactor cultivation | Schmidberger, A. / Henkel, M. / Hausmann, R. / Schwartz, T. (2013) |
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 97 (2013), 13, 5779-5791 |
Kinetic modeling of the time course of N-butyryl-homoserine lactone concentration during batch cultivations of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 | Henkel, M. / Schmidberger, A. / Kühnert, C. / Beuker, J. / Bernard, T. / Schwartz, T. / Syldatk, C. / Hausmann, R. (2013) |
Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 97 (2013), 17, 7607-7616 |
Hydrophobic Liquid-Infused Porous Polymer Surfaces for Antibacterial Applications | Li, J. / Kleintschek, T. / Rieder, A. / Cheng, Y. / Baumbach, T. / Obst, U. / Schwartz, T. / Levkin, P. (2013) |
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 5 (2013), 14, 6704-6711 |