Title | Author | Source |
Potentialfreie und potentialgetriebene Adsorptionsprozesse mehrfach protonierter organischer Moleküle an Kohlenstoffelektroden | Wagner, R. / Franzreb, M. (2022) |
KIT-Bibliothek, 2022, doi 10.5445/IR/1000142591 |
Practical Insights into the Impedance Response of Interdigitated Electrodes: Extraction of Relative Static Permittivity and Electrolytic Conductivity | Sapotta, B. / Schwotzer, M. / Franzreb, M. (2022) |
Electroanalysis, 2023, 35, 1, e202200102 |
MiRAGE – Microgel countercurrent‐flow reactor for automated glycan synthesis with immobilized enzymes | Hussnaetter, K. P. / Pich, A. / Franzreb, M. / Rapp, E. / Elling, L. (2022) |
Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 2022, 0009-286X, eISSN1522-2640, 1302 - 1303 |
MOF‐Hosted Enzymes for Continuous Flow Catalysis in Aqueous and Organic Solvents | Greifenstein, R. / Ballweg, T. / Hashem, T. / Gottwald, E. / Achauer, D. / Kirschhöfer, F. / Nusser, M. / Brenner-Weiß, G. / Sedghamiz, E. / Wenzel, W. / Mittmann, E. / Rabe, K. S. / Niemeyer, C. M. / Franzreb, M. / Wöll, C. (2022) |
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2022, 61, e202117144 |
Mehrdimensionale Fraktionierung von Feinstpartikeln mittels magnetischer, kontinuierlicher Gegenstromchromatographie | Arlt, C.-R. / Franzreb, M / Nirschl, H. (2022) |
KIT Bibliothek, 2022, doi 10.5445/IR/1000147641 |
Magnetically enhanced fluidized‐bed electrodes – A promising reactor concept for bioelectrochemical syntheses | Abt, M. / Tschöpe, A. / Franzreb, M. (2022) |
Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 2022, 94, 9, 1248, doi.org/10.1002/cite.202255078 |
Microfluidic Roadmap for Translational Nanotheranostics | Kabay, G. / Manz, A. / Dincer, C. (2022) |
Small Methods, 2022, 6, 2, 2101217 |
Plasma‐Assisted Surface Modification and Heparin Immobilization: Dual‐Functionalized Blood‐Contacting Biomaterials with Improved Hemocompatibility and Antibacterial Features | Özgüzar, H. F. / Evren, E. / Meydan, A. E. / Kabay, G. / Göçmen, J. S. / Buyukserin, F. / Erogul, O. (2022) |
Advances Materials Interfaces, 2023, 10, 6, 2202009 |
A Novel Approach for the Manufacturing of Gelatin-Methacryloyl | Grijalva Garces, D. / Radtke, C. / Hubbuch, J (2022) |
Polymers 2022, 14, 24, 5424, doi.org/10.3390/polym14245424 |
Purification of a Hydrophobic Elastin-Like Protein Toward Scale-Suitable Production of Biomaterials | Haas, S. / Desombre, M. / Kirschhöfer, F. / Huber, M. C. / Schiller, S. M. / Hubbuch, J. (2022) |
Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol., 2022, 10, doi.org/10.3389/fbioe.2022.878838 |
A parallelized, perfused 3D triculture model of leukemia for in vitro drug testing of chemotherapeutics | Zippel, S. / Dilger, N. / Chatterjee, C. / Raic, A. / Brenner-Weiß, G. / Schadzek, P. / Rapp, B. E. / Lee-Thedieck, C. (2022) |
Biofabrication, 2022, 14, 3, 14 035011 |
Evaluation of a Novel Thiol–Norbornene-Functionalized Gelatin Hydrogel for Bioprinting of Mesenchymal Stem Cells | Burchak, V. / Koch, F. / Siebler, L. / Haase, S. / Horner, V. K. / Kempter, X. / Stark, G. B. / Schepers, U. / Grimm, A. / Zimmermann, S. / Koltay, P. / Strassburg, S. / Finkenzeller, G. / Simunovic, F. / Lampert, F. (2022) |
Int. J. Mol. Sci., 2022, 23, 14, 7939, doi.org/10.3390/ijms23147939 |
3-Chloro-5-Substituted-1,2,4-Thiadiazoles (TDZs) as Selective and Efficient Protein Thiol Modifiers | Jänsch, N. / Frühauf, A. / Schweipert, M. / Debarnot, C. / Erhardt, M. / Brenner-Weiss, G. / Kirschhöfer, F. / Jasionis, T. / Čapkauskaitė, E. / Zubrienė, A. / Matulis, D. / Meyer-Almes, F.-J. (2022) |
ChemBioChem, 2022, 23, 21, e202200417 |
The jasmonate biosynthesis Gene OsOPR7 can mitigate salinity induced mitochondrial oxidative stress | Asfaw, K.G. / Liu, Q. / Eghbalin, R. / Purper, S. / Akaberi, S. / Dhakarey, R. / Münch, S.W. / Wehl, I. / Eiche, E. / Hause, B. / Bogeski, I. / Schepers, U. / Riemann, M. / Nick, P. (2022) |
Plant Science, 2022, 316, 111156 |
Polyelectrolyte Complex-Covalent Interpenetrating Polymer Network Hydrogels | Li, D. / Göckler, T. / Schepers, U. / Srivastava, S. (2022) |
Macromolecules, 2022, 55, 11, 4481–4491 |
3D-Druck in der Medizin. Im Gespräch mit Ute Schepers & David Seibt | Leshkovych, M. / Schneider, C. / Häußermann, M. / Dobroć, P. / Hanke, L.-J. / Rogge, I. / Schepers, U. / Seibt, D. (2022) |
KIT Serie: Auf Kopfdruck - 3D-Druck für die Gesellschaft von morgen 2022, doi 10.5445/IR/1000150057 |
Directed Particle Transport via Reconfigurable Fiber Networks | Katharina Cu/ Anke Steier/ Marvin Klaiber/ Matthias Franzreb/ Joerg Lahann |
Advanced Functional Materials, 2022, doi.org/10.1002/adfm.202204080. |
Antibacterial Inorganic Coating of Calcium-Silicate-Hydrate Substrates by Copper Incorporation | Schwartz, Thomas / Schewe, Nils / Schwotzer, Matthias / Heinle, Marita / Mahmood, Ammar / Krolla, Peter / Thissen, Peter (2022) |
ACS Applied Bio Materials 2022 in press |
Fully Automated Optimization of Robot-Based MOF Thin Film Growth via Machine Learning Approaches | Pilz, L. / Natzeck, C. / Wohlgemuth, J. / Scheuermann, N. / Weidler, P. / Wagner, I. / Wöll, C. / Tsotsalas, M. (2022) |
Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2022, DOI: 10.1002/admi.202201771 |
A matter of origin - identification of SEMA3A, BGLAP, SPP1 and PHEX as distinctive molecular features between bone site-specific human osteoblasts on transcription level | Zhang, W. / Rau, S. / Kotzagiorgis, K. / Rothweiler, R. / Nahles, S. / Gottwald, E. / Rolauffs, B. / Steinberg, T. / Nelson, K. / Altmann, B. (2022) |
Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol., 2022, Sec. Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine,10, https://doi.org/10.3389/fbioe.2022.918866 |
MOF-Hosted Enzymes for Continuous Flow Catalysis in Aqueous and Organic Solvents | Greifenstein, R. / Ballweg, T. / Hashem, T. / Gottwald, E. / Achauer, D. / Kirschhöfer, F. / Nusser, M. / Brenner-Weiß, G. / Sedghamiz, E. / Wenzel, W. / Mittmann, E. / Rabe, K. / Niemeyer, C. / Franzreb, M. / Wöll, C. (2022) |
Angewandte Chemie, 2022, 61,18, doi.org/10.1002/anie.202117144 |
Virtual Reality as Tool for Bioprinting Quality Inspection: A Proof of Principle | Gretzinger, S. / Schmieg, B. / Guthausen, G. / Hubbuch, J. (2022) |
Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol.,June 2022, Sec. Nanobiotechnology, doi.org/10.3389/fbioe.2022.895842 |
Automated and dynamic extrusion pressure adjustment based on real-time flow rate measurements for precise ink dispensing in 3D bioprinting | Wenger, L. / Strauß, S. / Hubbuch, J. (2022) |
Bioprinting, 28, December 2022, doi.org/10.1016/j.bprint.2022.e00229 |
Multifunctional Core−Shell Particle Electrodes for Application in Fluidized Bed Reactors | Klaiber, M. / Tschöpe, A. / Cu, K. / Waibel, I / Heißler, S. / Franzreb, M. / Lahann, J. (2022) |
ACS Appl. Eng. Mater., 2022, doi.org/10.1021/acsaenm.2c00072 |
Digital Twin: More flexibility for production processes | Krüger, M. / Vogel-Heuser, B. / Land, K. / Grim, G. / Lorenzer, J. / Freiberg, M. / Franzreb, M. / Berensmeier, S. (2022) |
atp magazin, Tranforming Automation, Ausgabe 08 / 2022, 22-24 |
Structured Data Storage for Data-Driven Process Optimisation in Bioprinting | Schmieg, B. / Brandt, N. / Schnepp, V.J. / Radosevic, L. / Gretzinger, S. / Selzer, M. / Hubbuch, J. (2022) |
Appl. Sci., 2022, 12, 7728, doi.org/10.3390/app12157728 |
Novel tetrameric cell penetrating antimicrobial peptoids effective against mycobacteria and drug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus | Fleck, B. S. / Mukherjee, D. / Tram, N. D. T. / Ee, P. L. R. / Schepers, U. (2022) |
IMR Press, FBL, 2022, 27, 2, DOI: 10.31083/j.fbl2702064 |
Emerging Biosensing Technologies for the Diagnostics of Viral Infectious Diseases | Kabay, G. / DeCastro, J. / Altay, A. / Smith, K. / Lu, H. W. / McDonnell Capossela, A. / Moarefian, M. / Aran, K. / Dincer, C. (2022) |
Advanced Materials, 2022, doi.org/10.1002/adma.202201085 |
Magnetic/flow controlled continuous size fractionation of magnetic nanoparticles using simulated moving bed chromatography | Kuger, L. / Arlt, C. / Franzreb, M. (2022) |
Talanta, 2022, 240, 123160 |
Disposable electrochemical immunosensor for prostate cancer detection | Kabay, G. / Yin, Y. / Singh, C. K. / Ahmad, N. / Gunasekaran, S. / Mutlu, M. (2022) |
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2022, 360, 131667 |
Polyelectrolyte Complex-Covalent Interpenetrating Polymer Network Hydrogels | Li, D. / Göckler, T. / Schepers, U. / Srivastava, S. (2022) |
ACS, 2022, ChemRxiv, Cambridge University Press, ISSN 2573-2293 (Online) |
Magnetic resonance imaging as a tool for quality control in extrusion-based bioprinting | Schmieg, B. / Gretzinger, S. / Schuhmann, S. / Guthausen, G. / Hubbuch , J. (2022) |
Biotechnology Journal, 2022, 17, 5, 2100336 |
Evaluation of the Reproducibility and Robustness of Extrusion-Based Bioprinting Processes Applying a Flow Sensor | Strauß, S. / Schroth, B. / Hubbuch, J. (2022) |
Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol., 2022, doi.org/10.3389/fbioe.2022.831350 |
Simulation-based evaluation of single pass continuous diafiltration with alternating permeate flow direction | Tan, R. / Franreb, M. (2022) |
Separation and Purification Technology, 2022, 282, Part A, 119987 |