Open Positions
PhD Position on Digitalization of Biomaterial Research via Deep Learning Approaches
In this project you will contribute to the development of a deep learning algorithm assisted platform for material research, which will allow the fast screening of biomolecular interactions and biomaterial performance.
The PhD position is part of the EU Doctoral Network NanoRAM: Emerging Nanotools for Soft Matter Characterisation and Manipulation. NanoRAM brings together people and organisations from across the world to train a new generation of scientists in the development and application of newly developed manipulation and characterisation nanotools in soft matter research. The PhD candidate will go on secondments to partner organisations as well as participate in consortium meetings and workshops.
Applicants must comply with the Doctoral Network eligibility criteria:
- Must be a doctoral candidate, i.e. not already in possession of a doctoral degree at the date of the recruitment.
- Mobility rule: The candidate can be of any nationality but must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of the recruiting organisation for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately before the recruitment date.
Please apply via email adhering to the following (only complete applications will be taken into account):
- Attachments must be PDF files.
- Please put “Application to NanoRAM DC10 [your name]” in the subject line.
Please include
- Personal information: Full name, gender, nationality and contact details.
- Motivation letter: Maximum 2 pages highlighting your academic and research experience as well as why you are interested in the NanoRAM project DC10.
- Curriculum vitae: Maximum 3 pages.
- Academic records: Original and English translation. Certified documents with grades. If the candidate has not yet completed the required degree, the documents must show the expected graduation date.
- Recommendation letters: From university lecturer, scientist or similar, who can verify your academic work and judge your potential as a predoctoral researcher. Contact information for the referee must be included as they will be contacted during the evaluation process.
Student workers, project works or thesis offers
We are always looking for motivated students in the field of organic synthesis, polymer chemistry or material science.
Please send questions and applications to: