EU-MSCA-Doctoral Network NanoRAM started

Within the frame of the EU-funded Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Doctoral Network NanoRAM, we started a project on "Digitalization of Biomaterial Research via Deep Learning Approaches". Strongly collaborating with other groups across Europe and beyond, we will investigate drug-carrier interactions applying deep-learning methods.

DFG-Project ContainELMs started

Within the frame of the SPP 2451 "Engineered Living Materials with Adaptive Functions", we started the project "ContainELMs". Together with Dr. Shriskrishnan Sankaran and Victoria Pinto from the INM – Leibniz Institute for New Materials in Saarbrücken, Robin Wilhelm and Dr. Meike König will work towards a safe usage of engineered organisms. For this we will develop materials with controlled internal properties using Electrohydrodynamic Co-Jetting and Chemical Vapor Deposition.

SPP 2451: Project ContainELMs
PhD Thesis Prize for Muhammad Haseeb Iqbal

Dr. Muhammad Haseeb Iqbal won the 2022 C'Nano PhD Thesis Prize for Interdisciplinary Research in Nanoscience for his thesis entitled "Surface Engineering of Biobased Polymeric Nanofilms for Biomedical Applications" carried out at the Institute Charles Sadron & Lab. Biomaterials and Bioengineering - University of Strasbourg.

Congratulations, Haseeb!


Advanced Polymers and Biomaterials

Biological interfaces with controlled properties

Biological systems are sensitive to surface properties such as chemical, geometry and topological properties.

To achieve control over interactions at the interface of biological systems and their environment, the development of materials in which individual properties can be manipulated at the micro-and nanometer scale is of great importance.

The department of Advanced Polymers and Biomaterials focuses on the targeted synthesis of such materials through manipulation of chemical and physical methods and the study of these materials in biological systems.


Research groups

  Scope of Duties/ Expertise 
Material synthesis

Synthesis of organic substances (such as functionalized [2.2]Paracyclophanes and pyridinophanes, organic linkers and keteneacetale) and functionalized monomers (e.g. zwitterionic monomers and lactones)

Synthesis of polymers (i.e. Controlled radical polymerization)

Functionalized coatings
Dr. Meike König

Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) Polymerization

Surface modification by means of controlled polymerization and click chemistry

Generation of micro- and nanostructured substrates

Electrohydrodynamic co-jetting of particles and fibers



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