Title | Author | Source |
Digital in-line X-ray holography with zone plates | Heine, R. / Gorniak, T. / Nisius, T. / Christophis, C. / Pettitt, M. / Staier, F. / Wilhein, T. / Rehbein, S. / Grunze, M. / Rosenhahn, A. (2011) |
Ultramicrocsopy 111 (2011), 1131 |
Loading of Two Related Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs), [Cu2(bdc)2(dabco)] and [Cu2(ndc)2(dabco)], with Ferrocene | Heck, R. / Shekhah, O. / Zybaylo, O. / Weidler, P. / Friedrich, F. / Maul, R. / Wenzel, W. / Wöll, C. (2011) |
Polymers 3 (2011), 3, 1565-1574 |
Chemical Contrast in Soft X-Ray Ptychography | Beckers, M. / Senkbeil, T. / Gorniak, T. / Reese, M. / Giewekemeyer, K. / Gleber, S. / Salditt, T. / Rosenhahn, A. (2011) |
Physical Review Letters (2011), 107 |
Analysis of surface, subsurface, and bulk hydrogen in ZnO using nuclear reaction analysis | Traeger, F. / Kauer, M. / Wöll, C. / Rogalla, D. / Becker, H. (2011) |
PhysRev B. (2011) |
Photocatalytic Activity of Bulk TiO2 Anatase and Rutile Single Crystals Using Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy | Xu, Y. / Martinez Moreno, E. / Kunst, M. / Muhler, M. / Wang, Y, / Idriss, H. / Wöll, C. (2011) |
Phys. Rev. Letters 106 (2011), 138302 |
Direct observation of a dispersionless impurity band in hydrogenated graphene | Haberer, D. / Petaccia, L. / Farjam, M. / Taioli, S. / Jafari, S. / Nefedov, A. / Zhang, W. / Calliari, L. / Scarduelli, G. / Dora, B. / Vyalikh, D. / Pichler, T. / Wöll, C. / Alfé, D. / Simonucci, S. / Dresselhaus, M. / Knupfer, M. / Büchner, B. / Grüneis, A. (2011) |
Phys. Rev. B 83 (2011), 165433 |
Flow conditions in the vicinity of microstructured interfaces studied by holography and implications for the assembly of artificial actin networks | Weiße, S. / Heydt, M. / Maier, T. / Schulz, S. / Spatz, J. / Grunze, M. / Haraszti, T. / Rosenhahn, A. (2011) |
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 13 (2011), 29, 13395 |
Metallorganische Käfigverbindungen (SURMOFS)- Speichern auf kleinstem Raum | Gliemann, H. / Shekhah, O. / Wöll, C. (2011) |
Photonik 3 (2011), 72 |
Ptychographic coherent x-ray diffractive imaging in the water window | Giewekemeyer, K. / Beckers, M. / Gorniak, T. / Grunze, M. / Salditt, T. / Rosenhahn, A. (2010) |
Optics Express 19 (2011), 2, 1037 |
X-ray holographic microscopy with zone plates applied to biological samples in the water window using 3rd harmonic radiation from the free-electron laser FLASH | Gorniak, T. / Heine, R. / Mancuso, A. / Staier, F. / Christophis, C. / Pettitt, M. / Sakdinawat, A. / Treusch, R. / Guerassimova, N. / Feldhaus, J. / Gutt, C. / Grübel, G. / Eisebitt, S. / Beyer, A. / Gölzhäuser, A. / Weckert, E. / Grunze, M. / Vartanyants, I. / Rosenhahn, A. (2011) |
Optics Express 19 (2011), 12, 11059 |
A stereoscopic approach for three dimensional tracking of marine biofouling microorganisms | Maleschlijski, S. / Leal-Taix´e, L. / Weiße, S. / Di Fino, A. / Aldred, N. / Clare, A. / Sendra, G. / Rosenhahn, B. / Rosenhahn, A. (2011) |
MIAAB (2011) |
Polymerization of SU-8 under Irradiation Stimulated by Temperature Increase | Naz´mov, V. / Berger, M. / Heissler, S. (2011) |
Journal of Surface Investigation, X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Technologies, 6 (2011), 5, 1023-1027 |
Visualization and functions of surface defects on carbon nanotubes created by catalytic etching | Xia, W. / Yin, X. / Kundu, S. / Sanchez, M. / Birkner, A. / Wöll, C. / Muhler, M. (2010) |
Journ. Carbon, 49 (2011), 1, 299-305 |
Stabilization of Quercetin - Functionalized Silica Gel against Hydrolysis by Blocking Silanol Groups with TiO2 or ZrO2 and Its Application for the Separation of Hg(II) | Abou-El-Sherbini, K. / Schiel, D. / Stosch, R. / Weidler, P. / Hoell, W. (2011) |
J. Sol-Gel Sci.Technol. 57 (2011), 1, 57-67 |
Combined Theoretical and Experimental Study on the Adsorption of Methanol on the ZnO(101̅0) Surface | Kiss, J. / Langenberg, D. / Silber, D. / Traeger, F. / Jin, L. / Qiu, H. / Wang, Y. / Meyer, B. / Wöll, C. (2011) |
J. Phys. Chem. A 115 (2011), 25, 7180–7188 |
Protrusions in a painting of Max Beckmann examined with confocal µ-XRF | Faubel, W. / Simon, R. / Heissler, S. / Friedrich, F. / Weidler, P. / Becker, H. / Schmidt, W. (2011) |
J. Atom. Anal. Spec. (2011) |
Arslan, H. / Shekhah, O. / Wieland, F. / Paulus, M. / Sternemann, C. / Schrör, M. / Tiemeyer, S. / Tolan, M. / Fischer, R. / Wöll, C. (2011) | Arslan, H. / Shekhah, O. / Wieland, F. / Paulus, M. / Sternemann, C. / Schrör, M. / Tiemeyer, S. / Tolan, M. / Fischer, R. / Wöll, C. (2011) |
J. Am. Soc. 133 (2011), 8158-8161 |
Chemistry of SURMOFS: Layer-Selective Installation of Functional Groups and Post-Synthetic Covalent Modification Probed by Fluorescence Microscopy | Liu, M. / Zacher, D. / Bétard, A. / Yusenko, K. / Metzler-Nolte, N. / Wöll, C. / Fischer R. (2011) |
J. Am. Soc. 133 (2011), 1734-1737 |
Reduced hydrophobicity of the colonic mucosal surface in ulcerative colitis as a hint at a physicochemical barrier defect | Braun, A. / Schönfeld, U. / Welsch, T. / Kadmon, M. / Funke, B. / Gotthardt, D. / Zahn, A. / Autschbach, F. / Kienle, P. / Zharnikov, M. / Grunze, M. / Stremmel, W. / Ehehalt, R. (2011) |
Int. J. Colorectal Dis. (2011) |
MOF-on-MOF Heteroepitaxy: Perfectly oriented [Zn2(ndc)2(dabco)]n grown on [Cu2(ndc)2(dabco)]n thin films | Shekhah, O. / Hirai, K. / Wang, H. / Uehara, H. / Kondo, M. / Diring, S. / Zacher, D. / Fischer, R. / Sakata, O. / Kitagawa, S. / Furukawa, S. / Wöll, C. (2011) |
Dalton Transactions 18 (2011), 40, 4954-4958 |
Orientation changes in surface-bound hybridized DNA undergoing preparation for ex situ spectroscopic measurements | Howell, C. / Hamoudi, H. / Heissler, S. / Zharnikov, M. (2011) |
Chemical Physics Letters (2011) |
Post-synthetic modification of epitaxially grown, highly oriented functionalized MOF thin films | Shekhah, O. / Arslan, H. / Chen, K. / Schmittel, M. / Maul, R. / Wenzel, W. / Wöll, C. (2011) |
Chemical Communications 47 (2011), 11210-11212 |
Liquid-Phase Epitaxy of Multicomponent Layer-Based Porous Coordination Polymer [M(L)(P)0.5]: Importance of Deposition Sequence on the oriented Growth | Zacher, D. / Yusenko, K. / Bétard, A. / Henke, S. / Molon, M. / Ladnorg, T. / Shekhah, O. / Schüpbach, B. / de los Arcos, T. / Krasnopolski, M. / Meilikhov, M. / Winter, J. / Terfort, A. / Wöll, C. / Fischer, R. (2011) |
Chem. European Journ., 17 (2011), 5, 1448-1455 |
Dissociation of formic acid on anatase TiO2(1 0 1) probed by vibrational spectroscopy | Xu, M. / Noei, H. / Buchholz, M. / Muhler, M. / Wöll, C. / Wang, Y. (2011) |
Catalysis today 1 (2011), 182, 12-15 |
Shear stress regulates adhesion and rolling of CD44+ leukemic and hematopoietic progenitor cells on hyaluronan | Christophis, C. / Taubert, I. / Meseck, G. / Schubert, M. / Grunze, M. / Ho, A. / Rosenhahn, A. (2011) |
Biophysical Journal 101 (2011), 585 |
Cosmetic powder suspensions in compliant, fingerprintlike contacts | Timm, K. / Myant, C. / Spikes, H. / Schneider, M. / Ladnorg, T. / Grunze, M. (2011) |
Biointerphases 6 (2011), 3 |
Fibroblast adhesion on unidirectional polymeric nanofilms | Christophis, C. / Sekeroglu, K. / Demirel, G. / Thome, I. / Grunze, M. / Demirel, M. / Rosenhahn, A. (2011) |
Biointerphases 4 (2011), 6, 158 |
The impact of recombinant fusion-hydrophobin coated surfaces on E. coli and natural mixed culture biofilm formation | Rieder, A. / Ladnorg, T. / Wöll, C. / Obst, U. / Fischer, R. / Schwartz, T. (2011) |
Biofouling 27 (2011), 10, 1073-1085 |
The interaction of carbon monoxide with clean and surface-modified zinc oxide nanoparticles: A UHV-FTIRS study | Noei, H. / Wöll, C. / Muhler, M. / Wang, Y. (2011) |
Appl. Catalysis A, General, 391 (2011), 1-2, 31-35 |
Surface Chemistry of Metal–Organic Frameworks at the Liquid–Solid Interface | Zacher, D. / Schmid, R. / Wöll, C. / Fischer, R. (2011) |
Angew. Chemie, Int. Ed. 50 (2011), 176-199 |
Characterization of non-stoichiometric co-sputtered Ba0.6Sr0.4(Ti1 − xFex)1 + xO3 − δ thin films for tunable passive microwave applications | Stemme, F. / Geßwein, H. / Drahus, M. / Holländer, B. / Azucena, C. / Binder, J. / Eichel, R. / Haußelt, J. / Bruns, M. (2011) |
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry Journal (2011) |
Uniform pi-system alignment in thin films of template-grown dicarbonitrile-oligophenyls | Klappenberger, F. / Kuehne, D. / Marschall, M. (2011) |
Advanced Materials 21 (2011), 9, 1631-1642 |
Dynamic Covalent Chemistry on Surfaces Employing Highly Reactive Cyclopentadienyl Moieties | Blinco, J. / Trouillet, V. / Bruns, M. / Gerstel, P. / Gliemann, H. / Barner-Kowollik, C. (2011) |
Advanced Materials (2011) |
High-Throughput Fabrication of Uniform and Homogenous MOF Coatings | Arslan, H. / Shekhah, O. / Wohlgemuth, J. / Franzreb, M. / Fischer, R. / Wöll, C. (2011) |
Advanced Functional Materials 21 (2011), 4228-4231 |
Uniform p-system Alignment in Thin Films of Template-Grown Dicarbonitrile-Oligophenyls | Klappenberger, F. / Kühne, D. / Marschall, M. / Neppl, S. / Krenner, W. / Nefedov, A. / Strunskus, T. / Fink, K. / Wöll, C. / Klyatskaya, S. / Fuhr, O. / Ruben, M. / Barth, J. (2011) |
Advanced Functional Materials 21 (2011), 1631-1642 |
Inducible Site-Selective Bottom-Up Assembly of Virus-Derived Nanotube Arrays on RNA-Equipped Wafers | Müller, A. / Eber, F. / Azucena, C. / Petershans, A. / Bittner, A. / Gliemann, H. / Jeske, H. / Wege C. (2011) |
ACS Nano 5 (2011), 4512-4520 |
Inducible site-selective bottom-up assembly of virus-derived nanotube arrays on RNA-equipped wafers | Mueller, A. / Eber, F. / Azucena, C. / Petershans, A. / Bittner, A. / Gliemann, H. / Jeske, H. / Wege, C. (2011) |
ACS Nano 5 (2011), 4512 |
Activation of Carbon Dioxide on ZnO Nanoparticles Studied by Vibrational Spectroscopy | Noei, H. / Wöll, C. / Muhler, M. / Wang, Y. (2011) |
J. Phys. Chem. C 115 (2011), 4, 908–914 |
MOF thin films: existing and future applications | Shekhah, O. / Liu, J. / Fischer, R. / Wöll, C. (2011) |
Chem. Soc. Rev. 40 (2011), 1081-1106 |
Title | Author | Source |
Nanostructuring of surfaces using AFM | Ladnorg, T. / Arslan, H. / Heißler, S. / Wöll, C. (2011) |
CFN Summer School of Nano Biology, Bad Herrenalb, 7.-10. September, 2011 |
Thin films of Metal-organic frameworks | Ladnorg, T. / Shekhah, O. / Wöll, C. (2011) |
Aus den Hexenküchen der Materialwissenschaften (From the witches cauldrons in materials science), Goslar, Deutschland, 29.-30. April, 2011 |
Metal-organic frameworks - Advantages and Application of SURMOFs | Ladnorg, T. / Shekhah, O. / Wöll, C. (2011) |
Aus den Hexenküchen der Materialwissenschaften (From the witches cauldrons in materials science), Goslar, Deutschland, 29.-30. April, 2011 |
A stereoscopic approach for three dimensional tracking of marine biofouling microorganisms | Maleschlijski, S. / Leal-Taixé, L. / Weiße, S. / Di Fino, A. / Aldred, N. / Clare, A. / Sendra, G. / Rosenhahn, B. / Rosenhahn, A. (2011) |
Microscopic Image Analysis with Applications in Biology, Heidelberg, Deutschland, 2. September, 2011 |
Laser modification and characterization of Li-Mb-O thin film cathodes for lithium-ion batteries | Pröll, J. / Kohler, R. / Adelhelm, C. / Bruns, M. / Torge, M. / Heißler, S. / Przybylski, M. / Ziebert, C. / Pfleging, W. (2011) |
Laser-Based Micro- and Nanopackaging and A sembly V : Proc.of Photonics West 2011, San Francisco, USA, 25.-27. Januar, 2011 |
Organic-inorganic hybrid nanoparticles: evaluation of bond-type and shell- thickness | Schlabach, S. / Szabo, D. / Heißler, S. / Trouillet, V. / Bruns, M. (2011) |
Hybrid Materials 2011: 2nd Internat.Conf.on Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials, Strasbourg, Frankreich, 6.-10. März, 2011 |
In Situ UHV Growth and XPS/NEXAFS Characterization of Aromatic Self-Assembled Monolayers on Gold Substrates | Nefedov, A. / Muzik, H. / Naboka, M. / Turchanin, A. / Golzhäuser, A. / Wöll, C. (2011) |
58th International Symposium & Exhibition, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, 30. Oktober – 4. November, 2011 |
Microscopic imaging of biological samples using coherent soft x-rays from free-electron laser and synchrotron sources | Gorniak, T. / Senkbeil, T. / Beckers, M. / Christophis, C. / Giewekemeyer, K. / Grunze, M. / Salditt, T. / Rosenhahn, A. (2011) |
New Science Opportunities at FLASH, Hamburg, Deutschlad, 14. Oktober, 2011 |
X-Ray fluorescence microprobe analysis of marine macrofoulers | Senkbeil, T. / Mohamed, T. / Di Fino, A. / Gabilondo Toscano, R. / Clare, A. / Rosenhahn, A. (2011) |
ONR-Seacoat Workshop, Las Vegas, USA, 4.-8. Dezember, 2011 |
Amphiphilic Polysaccharides as Inert Surface Coatings | Bauer, S. / Arpa Sancet, M. / Finlay, J. / Callow, M. / Callow, J. / Aldred, N. / Clare, A. / Grunze, M. / Rosenhahn, A. (2011) |
ONR-Seacoat Workshop, Las Vegas, USA, 4.-8. Dezember, 2011 |
From lab to field - chemistry depending surface colonization and 3D tracking | Stuppy, S. / Arpa Sancet, M. / Heydt, M. / Schilp, S. / Zargiel, K. / Ederth, T. / Liedberg, B. / Swain, G. / Callow, J. / Callow, M. / Rosenhahn, A. / Grunze, M. (2011) |
ONR-Seacoat Workshop, Las Vegas, USA, 4.-8. Dezember, 2011 |
In situ studies of barnacle cyprid cement using XRF and micro-Raman spectroscopy | Mohamed, T. / Senkbeil, T. / Heissler, S. / Di Fino, A. / Clare, A. / Rosenhahn, A. (2011) |
ONR-Seacoat Workshop, Las Vegas, USA, 4.-8. Dezember, 2011 |
Microfluidic assay to investigate bacterial adhesion | Arpa Sancet, M. / Bauer, S. / Christophis, C. / Grunze, M. / Rosenhahn, A. (2011) |
AVS 58th International Symposium & Exhibition, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, 30. Oktober – 4. November, 2011 |
A microfluidic system to investigate bacterial adhesion | Arpa Sancet, M. / Christophis, C. / Bauer, S. / Thomé, I. / Grunze, M. / Rosenhahn, A. (2011) |
Research Conference on Cellular Nano-Sciences, Heidelberg, Deutschland, 4. Juli, 2011 |
Ulva settlement on surface topographic gradients | Xiao, L. / Thompson, S. / Röhrig, M. / Callow, M. / Callow, J. / Rosenhahn, A. / Grunze, M. (2011) |
Xiao, L. / Thompson, S. / Röhrig, M. / Callow, M. / Callow, J. / Rosenhahn, A. / Grunze, M. (2011): „Ulva settlement on surface topographic gradients“. In: ONR-Seacoat Workshop, Las Vegas, USA, 4.-8. Dezember, 2011 |
A microfluidical assay to quantify the adhesion strength of marine microorganisms | Alles, M. / Stuppy, S. / Arpa Sancet, M. / Thomé, I. / Zargiel, K. / Christophis, C. / Callow, M. / Swain, G. / Grunze, M. / Rosenhahn, A. (2011) |
ONR-Seacoat Workshop, Las Vegas, USA, 4.-8. Dezember, 2011 |
Microfluidics in Biofouling and Life Sciences | Hanke, M. / Alles, M. / Arpa Sancet, M. / Christophis, C: / Grunze, M. / Rosenhahn, A. (2011) |
Bunsentagung 2011, Berlin, Deutschland, 3. Juni, 2011 |
A stereoscopic approach for three dimensional tracking of marine biofouling microorganisms | Maleschlijski, S. / Leal-Taixé, L. / Weiße, S. / Di Fino, A. / Aldred, N. / Clare, A. / Sendra, G. / Rosenhahn, B. / Rosenhahn, A. (2011) |
Microscopic Image Analysis with Applications in Biology (MIAAB 2011), Chicago, USA, 1. August, 2011 |
Microscopic imaging of biological samples using coherent soft x-rays from free-electron laser and synchrotron sources | Gorniak, T. / Senkbeil, T. / Beckers, M. / Christophis, C. / Giewekemeyer, K. / Grunze, M. / Salditt, T. / Rosenhahn, A. (2011) |
Ultrafast X-Ray Science with X-Ray Free-Electron Lasers |
Coherent soft X-ray microscopy of biological samples | Rosenhahn, A. (2011) |
Bunsentagung 2011, Berlin, Deutschland, 3. Juni, 2011 |
Chemical and Physical Cues in Marine Fouling | Rosenhahn, A. (2011) |
Research Conference on Cellular Nano-Sciences, Heidelberg, Deutschland, 4. Juli, 2011 |
Adhesion and rolling of leukemic cells on immobilized hyalurons | Rosenhahn, A. (2011) |
AVS 58th International Symposium & Exhibition, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, 30. Oktober – 4. November, 2011 |
Surface topographic features to control biofouling | Xiao, L. / Röhrig, M. / Thompson, S. / Callow, M. / Callow, J. / Rosenhahn, A. / Grunze, M. (2011) |
AVS 58th International Symposium & Exhibition, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, 30. Oktober – 4. November, 2011 |
Chemistry depending surface conditioning and its implication for colonization by microorganisms | Thomé, I. / Pettitt, M. / Kirchen, S. / Schwarz, T. / Heissler, S. / Callow, M. / Callow, J. / Swain, G. / Grunze, M. / Rosenhahn, A. (2011) |
AVS 58th International Symposium & Exhibition, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, 30. Oktober – 4. November, 2011 |
Site selective assemly of Tobacco Mosaic Viruses: RNA-directed modular construction as smart processing tool for nanotechnlogy | Azucena, C. / Eiben, F. / Trouillet, V. / Bruns, M. / Jeske, H. / Wege, C. / Gliemann, H. (2011) |
Forschungstag der Baden-Württemberg Stiftung GmbH, Heidelberg, Deutschland, 29. Juni, 2011 |
Die Nanowelt der Planzenviren: Der dünnste Draht Württembergs | Gliemann, H. / Azucena, C. / Walheim, S. / Schimmel, T. / Bittner, A. / Geiger, F. / Spatz, J. / Gunkel, M. / Cremer, C. / Kontermann, R. / Wu, Z. / Krill Ill, C. / Eber, F. / Degenhard, S. / Müller, A. / Eiben, S. / Jeske, H. / Wege, C. (2011) |
Forschungstag der Baden-Württemberg Stiftung GmbH, Heidelberg, Deutschland, 29. Juni, 2011 |
Die Nanowelt der Planzenviren: Bioaktive Nanobürsten und Sticks | Gliemann, H. / Azucena, C. / Walheim, S. / Schimmel, T. / Bittner, A. / Geiger, F. / Spatz, J. / Gunkel, M. / Cremer, C. / Kontermann, R. / Wu, Z. / Krill Ill, C. / Eber, F. / Degenhard, S. / Müller, A. / Eiben, S. / Jeske, H. / Wege, C. (2011) |
Forschungstag der Baden-Württember Stiftung GmbH, Heidelberg, Deutschland, 29. Juni, 2011 |
RNA-directed modular construction as smart processing tool for nanotechnology | Azucena, C. / Eber, F. / Hirtz, M. / Trouillet, V. / Bruns, M. / Wege, C. / Jeske, H. / Gliemann, H. (2011) |
CFN Summer School of Nano Biology, Bad Herrenalb, 7.-10. September, 2011 |
XPS-characterisation of surface functionalized materials via (hetero) Diels- Alder chemistry | Trouillet, V. / Barner-Kowollik, C. / Barner, L. / Blinco, J. / Gerstel, P. / Gliemann, H. / Goldmann, A.S. / Hübner, C. / Tischer, T. / Zydziak, N. / Bruns, M. (2011) |
14th European Conference on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis, Cardiff, Großbritannien, 4.-9. September, 2011 |
XPS-characterisation of surface functionalized materials via (hetero) Diels- Alder chemistry | Trouillet, V. / Barner-Kowollik, C. / Barner, L. / Blinco, J. / Gerstel, P. / Gliemann, H. / Goldmann, A.S. / Hübner, C. / Tischer, T. / Zydziak, N. / Bruns, M. (2011) |
KNMF (Karlsruhe Nano Micro Facility) User Meeting, Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 13.-14. Oktober, 2011 |
Charakterisierung co-dotierter Bariumstrontiumtitanat Dünnschichten | Stemme, F. / Gesswein, H. / Azucena, C. / Gliemann, H. / Binder, J.R. / Bruns, M. (2011) |
16.Tagung Festkörperanalytik, Wien, Österreich, 4.-6.Juli, 2011 |
Photocatalytic Activity of TiO2 Anatase (101) and Rutile (110) Single Crystals | Buchholz, M. / Xu, M. / Gao, Y. / Moreno, E. M. / Kunst, M. / Muhler, M. / Wang, Y. / Idriss, H. / Wöll, C. (2011) |
Bunsen Discussion Meeting „Photocatalysis“, Heidelberg, Deutschland, 13.-14. Oktober, 2011 |
UHV-FTIRS and STM-investigations of oxides surfaces and oxide films | Kesting, M. / Wöll, C. (2011) |
"Aus den Hexenküchen der Materialwissenschaften" ("From the witches cauldrons in materials science"), Goslar, Deutschland, 29.-30. April, 2011 |
The interaction of carboxylic acids with TiO2 Rutile (110) single crystal surfaces: Results from IR – spectroscopy | Buchholz, M. / Xu, M. / Wang, Y. / Nefedov, A. / Wöll, C.(2011) |
58th International Symposium & Exhibition, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, 30. Oktober – 4. November, 2011 |
The interaction of carboxylic acids with TiO2 Rutile (110) single crystal surfaces: Results from IR – spectroscopy | Buchholz, M. / Xu, M. / Wang, Y. / Nefedov, A. / Wöll, C.(2011) |
Bunsen Discussion Meeting „Photocatalysis“, Heidelberg, Deutschland, 13.-14. Oktober, 2011 |
UHV-FTIRS investigations of oxide surfaces | Kesting, M. (2011) |
1st summerschool “Helmholtz Research School Energy-related Catalysis”, Bad Herrenalb, Deutschland, 18.-22. Juli, 2011 |
Fabrication of free-standig ultrahin films of porous metal-organic frameworks by liquid-phase epitaxy and subsequent delamination | Arslan, H. / Shekhah, O. / Wöll, C. (2011) |
Bunsentagung 2011, Berlin, Deutschland, 3. Juni, 2011 |
A highly ordered, aromatic bidentate self-assembled monolayer on Au(111): a combined experimental and theoretical study | Stammer, X. / Shekhah, O. / Wöll, C. (2011) |
Bunsentagung 2011, Berlin, Deutschland, 3. Juni, 2011 |
Thin film of MOFs prepared by liquid-phase epitaxy: Facile determination of diffusion coefficients | Zybaylo, O. / Shekhah, O. / Wöll, C. (2011) |
Bunsentagung 2011, Berlin, Deutschland, 3. Juni, 2011 |
UHV-FTIR-study of benzoic and terephthalic acids adsorption on rutile TiO2(110) | Kesting, M. / Gao, Y. / Xu, M. / Wang, Y. / Nefedov, A. / Wöll, C. (2011) |
Bunsentagung 2011, Berlin, Deutschland, 3. Juni, 2011 |
HGBP1 as a model system investigated by several surface techniques | Kerstan, A. / Ladnorg, T. / Vöpel, T. / Zacher, D. / Herrmann, C. / Wöll, C. (2011) |
Bunsentagung 2011, Berlin, Deutschland, 3. Juni, 2011 |
Infrared Reflection Absorption Spectroscopy for Characterization of Monolayers on ceramic surfaces | Stammer, X. / Heißler, S. / Wöll, C. (2011) |
Bunsentagung 2011, Berlin, Deutschland, 3. Juni, 2011 |
Allophanes: Nano-Sized Particles as Basis for Nano-Structured and Functionalised Surfaces | Fuchs, M. / Köster, R. / Weidler, P. / Gliemann, H. (2011) |
Bunsentagung 2011, Berlin, Deutschland, 3. Juni, 2011 |
Charakterisierung co-dotierter Bariumstrontiumtitanat Dünnschichten | Stemme, F. / Gesswein, H. / Azucena, C. / Gliemann, H. / Binder, J. / Bruns, M. (2011) |
16.Tagung Festkörperanalytik, Wien, Österreich 4.-6.Juli, 2011 |
Investigation of motile marine organisms with Digital In-line Holographic Microscopy in situ and under lab conditions | Stuppy, S. / Thome, I. / Arpa-Sancet, M. / Swain, G. / Callow, J. / Callow, M. / Grunze, M. / Rosenhahn, A. (2011) |
Research Conference on Cellular Nano-Sciences, Heidelberg, Deutschland, 4. Juli, 2011 |
Shear stress induced rolling of CD44+ hematopoietic cells | Hanke, M. / Christophis, C. / Taubert, I. / Ho, A. / Grunze, M. / Rosenhahn, A. (2011) |
Research Conference on Cellular Nano-Sciences, Heidelberg, Deutschland, 4. Juli, 2011 |
Microfluidic bacterial adhesion assay to characterize the easy to clean properties of surfaces | Arpa-Sancet, M. / Christophis, C. / Bauer, S. / Grunze, M. / Rosenhahn, A. (2011) |
Research Conference on Cellular Nano-Sciences, Heidelberg, Deutschland, 4. Juli, 2011 |
Microscopic imaging of biological samples using coherent soft x-rays from free-electron laser and synchrotron sources | Gorniak, T. / Senkbeil, T. / Beckers, M. / Christophis, C. / Giewekemeyer, K. / Grunze, M. / Salditt, T. / Rosenhahn, A. (2011) |
Bunsentagung 2011, Berlin, Deutschland, 3. Juni, 2011 |
Techniques for 3D tracking of marine microorganisms during surface exploration | Sendra, G. / Maleschlijski, S. / Grunze, M. / Rosenhahn, A. (2011) |
Bunsentagung 2011, Berlin, Deutschland, 3. Juni, 2011 |
Investigation of motile marine organisms with Digital In-line Holographic Microscopy (DIHM) in-situ and under lab conditions | Stuppy, S. / Alles, M. / Arpa-Sanchet, M. / Thome, I. / Swain, G. / Callow, J. / Callow, M. / Rosenhahn, A. / Grunze, M. (2011) |
Bunsentagung 2011, Berlin, Deutschland, 3. Juni, 2011 |
Quantification of cell adhesion strength on self assembled monolayers | Alles, M. / Thomé, I. / Arpa-Sancet, M. / Stuppy, S. / Rosenhahn, A. / Grunze, M. (2011) |
Bunsentagung 2011, Berlin, Deutschland, 3. Juni, 2011 |
Digital in-line holographic microscopy of marine microorganisms in multi-media environment | Sendra, G. / Weisse, S. / Heydt, M. / Callow, M. / Callow, J. / Grunze, M. / Rosenhahn, A. (2011) |
European Conferences on Biomedical Optics (SPIE, OSA), München, Deutschland, 24. Mai, 2011 |
Chemical and morphological cues for biofouling | Thomé, I. / Schilp, S. / Cao, X. / Pettitt, M. / Callow, M. / Callow, J. / Rosenhahn, A. / Grunze M. (2011) |
7th Brazilian/German Workshop on Applied Surface Science, Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien, 5. April, 2011 |
4D-tracking of pathogens by digital in-line holographic microscopy | Weisse, S. / Heddergott, N. / Engstler, M. / Rosenhahn, A. (2011) |
LowRe: Workshop on Motion at Low Reynolds Numbers, Würzburg, Deutschland, 24. Januar, 2011 |
Chemical and Physical Cues in Marine Fouling | Rosenhahn, A. (2011) |
Research Conference on Cellular Nano-Sciences, Heidelberg, Deutschland, 6. Juli, 2011 |
Coherent soft X-ray microscopy of biological samples | Rosenhahn, A. / Gorniak, T. / Senkbeil, T. / Beckers, M. / Grunze, M. (2011) |
Bunsentagung 2011, Berlin, Deutschland, 3. Juni, 2011 |
Chemical and Physical cues in marine fouling | Rosenhahn, A. (2011) |
2nd International Conference on Smart Polymer Systems, Mainz, Deutschland, 25. Mai, 2011 |
Charakterisierung Eisen dotierter Ba0.6Sr0.4Ti1-xFexO3 | Stemme, F. / Gesswein, H. / Azucera, C. / Gliemann, H. / Binder, J. / Bruns, M. (2011) |
16. Arbeitstagung Angewandte Oberflächenanalytik, Kaiserslautern, Deutschland, 26.- 30. September, 2010 |
Title | Author | Source |
Plant viral nanoscale biotemplates: From virowires to dumbbells and arrays | Wege, C. / Jeske, H. / Müller, A. / Eiben, F. / Kadri, K. / Balci, S. / Baralia, G. / Amsharov, N. / Petershans, A. / Azucena, C. / Gliemann, H. / Thonke, K. / Schirra, M. / Wu, Z. / Krill Ill, C. / Bittner, A. (2011) |
Schimmel, T. / Löhneysen, H. / Barczewski, M. (Hrsg.): Nanotechnology – Fundamentals andApplications in Functional Nanostructures. Karlsruhe: Baden-Württemberg Stiftung GmbH, 385-409 |