Analysis of surface, subsurface, and bulk hydrogen in ZnO using nuclear reaction analysis
Traeger, F. / Kauer, M. / Wöll, C. / Rogalla, D. / Becker, H. (2011)
PhysRev B. (2011)
- Date: 2011
- Traeger, F. / Kauer, M. / Wöll, C. / Rogalla, D. / Becker, H. (2011): „Analysis of surface, subsurface, and bulk hydrogen in ZnO using nuclear reaction analysis“. In: PhysRev B. (2011)
Hydrogen concentrations in ZnO single crystals exposing different surfaces have been determined to be in the range of (0.02-0.04) at.% with an error of +/- 0.01 at.% using nuclear reaction analysis. In the subsurface region, the hydrogen concentration has been determined to be higher by up to a factor of 10. In contrast to the hydrogen in the bulk, part of the subsurface hydrogen is less strongly bound, can be removed by heating to 550 degrees C, and reaccommodated by loading with atomic hydrogen. By exposing the ZnO(10 (1) over bar0) surface to water above room temperature and to atomic hydrogen, respectively, hydroxylation with the same coverage of hydrogen is observed.
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