Poster Prize: Metformin im Abwasser beeinflusst die Vitalität von Bachforellen über Veränderungen im Fisch-Mikrobiom (German) |
Rogall, E. / Jacob, S. / Triebskorn, R. /Schwartz, T. (2018) |
On 25th October 2019 Prof. Wöll was awarded the honorary doctoral degree from the University of Southern Denmark. |
Prof.Dr.Christof Wöll (2019) |
Futur Prize 2013 |
Prof. Dr. Matthias Franzreb |
Award of Prof. Dr. Lahann as NAI Fellow 2021 |
Prof. Dr. Joerg Lahann |
High awards for chemists of the IFG (German) |
Prof. Dr. Christof Wöll, Priv. Doz. Dr. Lars Heinke (2016)
Posterpreis: “Combined advanced processes in wastewater treatment for reduction of antibiotic resistant bacteria” |
Norman Hembach |
Gelatine-based hydrogels |
M. Sc. Sina Schönwälder |
On May 10, 2021, Lars Heinke was awarded the Nernst-Haber-Bodenstein Prize by the German Bunsen Society for Physical Chemistry |
Lars Heinke (2021) |
Kajal Mallick Memorial Prize |
Krolla, P. / Glliemann, H. (2018) |
Magdalena Klesen wins the Cenibra Young Scientist Imaging Assay Jumpstarter Contest 2024 |
Klesen, M. (2024) |
Three ERC Consolidator Grants for KIT Researchers |
Kirchlechner, C. / Heinke, L. / Hinterwaldner, I. (2021) |
Poster Prize: Reactor Devices for the Compartmentalized Immobilization of Enzyme Cascades |
Kazenwadel, N. / Wohlgemuth, J. / Wagner, H. / Franzreb, M. (2014)
Poster Prize: Investigation of protein binding to 3D printing material - basics for the rational design of printable enzyme reactors |
Kazenwadel, N. / Wagner, H. / Wohlgemuth, J. / Franzreb, M. (2014)
SURMOF based „Designer Solids“ as Photonic Nanomaterials for Optical and LHs Applications |
Jianxi Liu (IFG)
Dr. Jinxuan Liu (IFG)
Dr. Stefan Walheim (INT)
Dr. Engelbert Redel (IFG)
Prof. Dr. Christof Wöll (IFG) |
Award "Reducing the influence of relative humidity on the sensitivity of ZnO-based gas sensors by coating with metal- organic frameworks" |
Hartmut Gliemann |
Poster Prize: Nanostructured multifunctional polymer films as hematopoietic stem cell culture substrates |
Domenic Kratzer, Thomas Tischer, Christopher Barner-Kowollik, Cornelia Lee-Thedieck (2016) |
Prof Dr Luisa de Cola receives the Centenary Prize 2024 of the Royal Society of Chemistry in the category Research & Innovation |
De Cola, L. (2024) |
Poster Prize: Novel microfluidic biosensor for online monitoring of biofilm formation |
Bruchmann, J. / Sachsenheimer, K. / Trunkl, E. / Rapp, B. / Schwartz, T. (2014)
Poster Prize |
B.Sc. Siegfried Hohmann |
Poster Prize: Sequence based community analysis of polymicrobial infections |
Andreas Dötsch