N. N.

  • Gruppe: Bioprozesstechnik und Biosysteme

Lebenslauf Thomas Schwartz

Born: 25. April 1963

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Campus North, Institute of Functional Interfaces (IFG);

Group leader Microbiology/Molecular biology



1982 - 1988 Academic study of biology at the University of Kaiserslautern (D) 
1988 Diploma at the University of Kaiserslautern
1988 - 1991 Dissertation at the Max-Planck Institute for Medical Research in Heidelberg with a dissertation grant of DECHEMA/Frankfurt
1991 Graduation at the University of Heidelberg
1991 Microbiological quality control in food industry (Eichbaum Brauereien Mannheim) 
1992 - 1993 Postdoc at the Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Research, Gatersleben (D); Department of Bacteria Genetics
1993 - 1995 Postdoc at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg; Department of Advanced Tumor Virology.
1995 - 2000  Scientific Researcher at the WFM Wasserforschung Mainz Ltd.; Leading scientist of BMBF research projects about biofilms and antibiotic resistances.
Since 2001

Leader of the Microbiology/Molecular Biology working group at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) - Campus North at the Institute of Functional Interfaces (IFG).

Since 2015 Honorary professor at Hochschule Mannheim

Main research

biofilms, resistance mechanisms, population analyses, stress mechanisms in bacteria, molecular biology concepts to evaluate disinfection strategies, gene expression in bacteria in natural and technical processes.


Additional  Qualifications


2001 Symposium Award 2001 for Disinfection & Hygiene of the University of Wageningen/The Netherlands
since 2005 Lectureship at the University of Applied Science Mannheim; Title: Environmental Biotechnology (Master study)