Alle Veröffentlichungen 2008
Bioprozesstechnik und Biosysteme |
Mineralische Grenzflächen |
Neue Polymere und Biomaterialien |
Chemie oxydischer und organischer Grenzflächen |
Mikrobiologie/Molekularbiologie |
Titel | Autor | Quelle |
The three-dimensional cultivation of the carcinoma cell line HepG2 in a perfused chip system leads to a more differentiated phenotype of the cells compared to monolayer culture. | Altmann, B. / Giselbrecht, S. / Weibezahn, K.F. / Welle, A. / Gottwald, E. (2008) |
Biomed Mater, 2008, 3, (3), 034120, doi: 10.1088/1748-6041/3/3/034120 |
Flexible fluidic microchips based on thermoformed and locally modified thin polymer films | Truckenmüller, R. / Giselbrecht, S. / van Blitterswijk, C. / Dambrowsky, N. / Gottwald, E. / Mappes, T. / Rolletschek, A. / Saile, V. / Trautmann, C. / Weibezahn, K. F., / Welle, A. (2008) |
Lab Chip, 2008, 8, (9), 1570-9, doi: 10.1039/b803619 |
Tissue reconstruction in 3D-spheroids from rodent retina in a motion-free, bioreactor-based microstructure | Rieke, M. / Gottwald, E. / Weibezahn, K.F. / Layer, P.G. (2008) |
Lab Chip, 2008, 8, (12), 2206-13, doi: 10.1039/b806988c |
Chondrogenesis of mesenchymal stem cells in gel-like biomaterials in vitro and in vivo | Dickhut, A. / Gottwald, E. / Steck, E. / Heisel, C. / Richter, W. (2008) |
Front Biosci, 2008, 1, 13, 4517-28 |
Chip-based Three-dimensional Cell Culture in Perfused Micro-bioreactors | Gottwald, E. / Lahni, B. / Thiele, D. / Giselbrecht, S. / Welle, A. / Weibezahn, K. F. (2008) |
J Vis Exp, 2008, (15), 564, doi: 10.3791/564, PMCID: PMC2583022 |
Microfabrication of chip-sized scaffolds for three-dimensional cell cultivation | Giselbrecht, S. / Gottwald, E. / Truckenmueller, R. / Trautmann, C. / Welle, A. / Guber, A. / Saile, V. / Gietzelt T. / Weibezahn, K.F. (2008) |
J Vis Exp, 2008,(15), pii:699, doi: 10.3791/699 |
CellChip-basierte Bioreaktoren für die extrakorporale Organunterstützung | Gottwald, E. / Giselbrecht, S. / Lahni, B. / Hiebl, B. / Weibezahn,K. F. (2008) |
Galvanotechnik 2008, 99, 4, 974-978 |
TOF/MS for characterization of silicone based water repellents | Herb, H. / Brenner-Weiß, G. / Gerdes, A. (2008) | Restoration for Buildings and Monuments 14 (2008), 395-402 |
Development and trends of biosurfactant analysis and purification using rhamnolipids as an example | Heyd, M. / Kohnert, A. / Tan, T.H. / Nusser, M. / Kirschhöfer, F. / Brennner-Weiß, G. / Franzreb, M. / Berensmeier, S. (2008) | Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 391 (2008), 1579-1590 |
Relevance of polymeric matrix enzymes during biofilm formation | Romani, A. / Fund, K. / Artigas, J. / Schwartz, T. / Sabater, S. / Obst, U. (2008) | Microbial Ecology 56 (2008), 3, 427-436 |
Molecular monitoring of inactivation efficiencies of bacteria during pulsed electric field (PEF) treatment of clinical waste water | Rieder, A. / Schwartz, T. / Schön-Hölz, K. / Marten, S.M. / Süß, J. / Gusbeth, C. / Kohnen, W. / Swoboda, W. / Obst, U. / Frey, W. (2008) | Applied Microbiology 105 (2008), 2035-2045 |
The extracellular substance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa: too slippery for neutrophils to migrate on? | Hänsch, G.M. / Brenner-Weiss, G. / Prior, B. / Wagner, C. / Obst, U. (2008) |
Int. J. Artif. Organs. 31 (2008), 9, 796-803 |
Combating implant infections. Remarks by a women's team | Arciola, C.R. / Balaban, N. / Baldassari, L. / Fromm, K. / Hänsch, G.M. / Obst, U. / Pretserl, E. / Stefani, S., Verran, J. Visai, L. (2008) |
Int. J. Art. Org. 31 (2008), 9, 858-864 |
Molecular monitoring of inactivation efficiencies of bacteria during pulsed electric field (PEF) treatment of clinical wastewater | Rieder, A. / Schwartz, T. / Schön-Hölz, K. / Marten, S-M / Süß, J. / Gusbeth, C. / Kohnen, W. / Swoboda, W / Obst, U. / Frey, W. (2008) |
Journal of Applied Microbiology (2008) |
Anthropogene Spurenstoffe im Wasserkreislauf – Arzneistoffe | Bauer, KH / Dieter, H. / Dünnbier, U. / Geißen, SU / Grummt, T. / Knacker, T. / Mückter, H. / Seel, P. / Siegrist, H. / Schwartz, T. / Teiser, B. / Ternes, T. / Weber, L. (2008) |
DWA-Themen (2008) |
Relevance of polymeric matrix enzymes during biofilm formation | Romani, A. / Fund, K. / Artigaz, J. / Schwartz, T. / Sabater, S. / Obst, U. (2008) |
Microbial Ecology (2008), 56, 3, 427-436 |
alphaB-crystallin is a cytoplasmic interaction partner of the kidney-specific cadherin-16 | Thedieck, C. / Kalbacher, H. / Kratzer, U. / Lammers, R. / Stevanovic, S. / Klein, G. (2008) |
Journal Molecular Biology 378 (2008), 1, 145–153 |
Development and Trends of Biosurfactans analysis and Purification Using Rhamnolipids as Example | Heyd, M. / Kohnert, A. / Tan, T. / Nusser, M. / Kirschhöfer, F. / Brenner-Weiss, G. / Franzreb, M. / Berensmeier, S. (2008) |
Analytical Bioanalytical Chemistry 391 (2008), 5, 1579–1590 |
Kinetics of uranium sorption onto weakly basic anion exchangers | Riegel, M. / Tokmachev, M. / Höll, W. (2008) |
Reactive and Functional Polymers 68 (2008), 6, 1072–1080 |
Size, number and chemical composition of nanosized particles in drinking water determined by analytical microscopy and LIBD | Kägi, R. / Wagner, T. / Hetzer, B. / Sinnet, B. / Tzvetkov, G. / Boller, M. (2008) |
Water Research, 42 (2008), 10–11, 2778–2786 |
Multiplexed lipid dip-pen nanolithography on sub-cellular scales for templating of peripheral membrane proteins and cell culture. | Sekula, S. / Fuchs, J. / Weg-Remers, S. / Nagel, P. / Schuppler, S. / Fragala, J. / Theilacker, N. / Franzreb, M. / Ellmark, P. / Borrebaeck, C. / Mirkin, C. / Fuchs, H. / Lenhert, S. (2008) |
Small 4 (2008), 10, 1785–1793 |
Protein separation with magnetic adsorbents in micellar aqueous two-phase systems | Becker, J. / Thomas, O. / Franzreb, M. (2008) |
Separation and Purification Technology 65 (2008), 1, 46–53 |
Untersuchungen zur Proteinseparation mittels magnetischer Mikrosorbentien in Kombination mit wässrigen Zweiphasen-Systemen | Becker J. S. / Raffelt, S. / Franzreb, M. (2008) |
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 80 (2008), 6, 847–853 |
Zeta potential measurement as a diagnostic tool in enzyme immobilization | Schultz, N. / Metreveli, G. / Franzreb, M. / Frimmel, F. / Syldatk, C. (2008) |
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 66 (2008), 1, 39–44 |
A study of the applicability of a method for successive determination of the kinetic coefficients of sorption on the basis of mathematical modelling | Tokmachev, M. / Riegel, M. / Höll, W. (2008) |
Moscow University Physics Bulletin 63 (2008), 4, 242–244 |
Untersuchungen zur Proteinseparation mittels magnetischer Mikrosorbentien in Kombination mit wässrigen Zweiphasen-Systemen | Becker J. S. / Raffelt, S. / Franzreb, M. (2008) |
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 80 (2008), 6, 847–853 |
Titel | Autor | Quelle |
From molecular modeling and binding assays to tailored ligands for chemokines of leukocytes | Meliciani, I. / Döbele, M. / Wiese, D. / Maisch, D. / Schmitz, K. (2008) |
5th Status Seminar Chemical Biology, Frankfurt a.M., Deutschland, 8.- 9. Dezember, 2008 |
From molecular modeling and binding assays to tailored ligands for chemokines of leukocytes | Meliciani, I. / Döbele, M. / Wiese, D. / Maisch, D. / Schmitz, K. (2008) |
EMBL Conference on Chemical Biology, Heidelberg, Deutschland, 8.- 11. Oktober, 2008 |
Ligands for Ligands – Small molecules as binding partners for chemokines for diagnostic applications and for the manipulation of leukocytes | Döbele, M. / Wiese, D. / Schöder, T. / Schmitz, K. (2008) |
Workshop Molekulare Interaktionen an Grenzflächen, NanoBio meets NanoMicro, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Deustschland, 06. März, 2008 |
Application of manganese dioxide coated magnetite for removal of trace contaminants from water | Calderon, C. / Höll, W.H. (2008) |
Jahrestagung der Wasserchemischen Gesellchaft, Trier, Deutschland, 2008, 304 -308. |
In vivo labeling of de novo synthesized bacterial RNA and their specific separation by magnetic bead technology | Stankiewicz, N. / Berensmeier, S. / Franzreb, M. / Schwartz, T.(2008) |
22nd International Symposium on Microscale Bioseparations & Methods for Systems Biology, Freie Universität Berlin, Deutschland, 9-13 März, 2008 |
Wirkstoffe aus dem Regenwald | Schmitz, K. (2008) |
Bonner Colloquium der Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes, Bonn, Deutschland, 2008 |
Von Molecular Modeling und Bindungsassays zu maßge-schneiderten Liganden für Chemokine | Schmitz, K. (2008) |
Nachwuchsforschersymposium Bioorganische Chemie, Konstanz, Deutschland, 29. September - 1. Oktober, 2008 |
Ligands for ligands - Small molecules as binding partners for chemokines for diagnostics and leukocyte manipulation | Döbele, M. (2008) |
Frontiers Bio Nano 08 Workshop, Zermatt, Schweiz, 9.-13 März, 2008 |
Frontiers Bio Nano 08 Workshop | Dreiling, M. (2008) |
Frontiers Bio Nano 08 Workshop, Zermatt, Schweiz, 9.-13 März, 2008 |
Frontiers Bio Nano 08 Workshop | Wagner, K. (2008) |
Frontiers Bio Nano 08 Workshop, Zermatt, Schweiz, 9.-13. März, 2008 |
Einfluss von Kolloiden auf die Bildung von Calcitkristallen | Kempke, S. / Hetzer, B. / Wagner, T. U. / Schick, R. / Rinke, K. / Rothaupt, K.-O. (2008) |
74. Jahrestagung der Fachgruppe Wasserchemische Gesellschaft in der GDCh, Kurzreferate der Vorträge und Poster, Trier, Deutschland, 2008, 124-128 |
Laser-induzierte Breakdown-Detektion (NPA/LIBD) zum Nachweis von Nanopartikeln bei der Ultrafiltration | Hetzer B. / Wagner T./ Köster, R. / Lipp, P. / Müller, U. (2008) |
74. Jahrestagung der Fachgruppe Wasserchemische Gesellschaft in der GDCh, Kurzreferate der Vorträge und Poster, Trier, Deutschland, 28.-30. April, 2008, 65-69 |
Entfernung von Natururan aus Grundwässern mittels schwach basischer Ionenaustauscher – Filterdynamik und Regeneration | Riegel, M./ Höll, W.H. (2008) |
Jahrestagung der Wasserchemischen Gesellschaft, Trier, Deutschland, 2008, 75-79 |
Removal of natural uranium from groundwater by means of weakly basic anion exchangers | Riegel, M. / Höll, W.H. (2008) |
IEX 2008, Recent advances in ion exchange theory and practice, Cambridge, UK, 331-338, 2008 |
Elimination of trace heavy metals from drinking water by means of weakly basic anion exchanges | Riegel, M. / Schlitt, V. / Höll, W.H. (2008) |
International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment, Bandung, Indonesien, 2008, 41-48 |
In vivo labeling of bacterial RNA – a novel method for natural biofilm research | Stankiewicz, N. / Berensmeier, S. / Schwartz, T. (2008) |
Biofilms III, München, Deutschland, 2008 |
Application of Magnet Technology in the Downstream Processing of Biomolecules | Franzreb, M. (2008) |
Invited Symposium at the National Taiwan University (NTU), Taipei, Taiwan, 29. Mai, 2008 |
Application of Magnetic Separation techniques in Biotechnology: A Multiscale Optimization Problem | Franzreb, M. (2008) |
ECI Conference, The Role of Structure in Biological, Chemical and Environmental Separations: From the Molecular to the Macro, Puntarenas, Costa Rica, 6-11 Januar, 2008 |
New Hybrid Process for Bioproduct Isolation by Magnetic Micro-adsorbents and Magnetically Enhanced Aqueous Two-phase Partitioning | Franzreb, M. / Becker, J. (2008) |
Recovery of Biological Products XIII, Quebec City, Kanada, 22. – 27. Juni , 2008 |
Integral continuous microbial rhamnolipid production | Heyd, M. / Franzreb, M. / Berensmeier, S. (2008) |
BioCat 2008, Hamburg, Deutschland, 31. August - 4. September, 2008 |
Titel | Autor | Quelle |
Verfahren zum Nachweis der Veränderung einer Population von Partikeln in einer Lösung | Wagner, T. U.(2008) |
Deutsches Patentamt, Patentschrift DE 10 2006 051 227, Europäische Patentanmeldung EP 1 918 694 |
Titel | Autor | Quelle |
Deposition of Ag nanoparticles on fluoroalkylsilane self-assembled monolayers with varying chain length | Zuo, J. / Keil, P. / Valtiner, M. / Thissen, P. / Grundmeier, G. (2008) |
Surface Science 24 (2008), 602, 3750-3759 |
Adsorption kinetics of organophosphonic acids on plasma-modified oxide-covered aluminum surfaces | Giza, M. / Thissen, P. / Grundmeier, G. (2008) |
Langmuir 2008, 24, 8688-8694 |
Change of the refractive index of illite particle ba reduction of iron content of the octahedral sheet | Friedrich, F. / Steudel, A. / Weidler, P. (2008) | Clays and Clay Minerals 56 (2008), 505-510 |
Titel | Autor | Quelle |
Selection strategy and modification of layer silicates for technical applications | Steudel, A. (2008) | Institut für Technische Chemie, Bereich Wasser- und Geotechnologie, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 2008, 258 |
Why do two apparently similar German ceramic clays display different rheological properties during maturation? | Petrick, K. / Emmerich, K. / Menger-Krug, E. / Kaden, R. / Dieterle, M. / Kuch, P. / Diedel, R. / Peuker, M. / Krolla-Sidenstein, P. (2008) |
Mid European Clay Conference, Zakopane, Polen, 22.-27. September, 2008 |
Biological processes during maturation | Menger-Krug, E. / Kaden, R. / Krolla-Sidenstein, P. / Emmerich, K. / Petrick, K. / Obst, U. (2008) | Mid European Clay Conference, Zakopane, Polen, 22.-27. September, 2008 |
Mikrobiologische Aufbereitung von Tonen | Krolla-Sidenstein, P. / Diedel, R. / Dieterle, M. / Kaden, R. / Emmerich, K. / Petrick, K. / Peuker, M. (2008) | Jahrestagung der Deutschen Keramischen Gesellschaft, Höhr-Grenzhausen, Deutschland, 26.-28. Mai, 2008 |
Monitoring shifts in microbial community composition in clayey sediments by culture-dependent and culture-independent approaches | Kaden, R. / Menger-Krug, E. / Krolla-Sidenstein, P. / Emmerich, K. / Petrick, K. / Obst, U. (2008) | Biofilms III. 3rd International Conference, München, Deutschland, 06.-08. Oktober, 2008 |
Titel | Autor | Quelle |
Temperature-dependent evolution of the electronic and local atomic structure in the cubic colossal magnetoresistive manganite La1-xSrxMnO3 | Mannella, N. / Booth, C. / Rosenhahn, A. / Sell, B. / Nambu, A. / Marchesini, S. / Mun, B. / Yang, S. / Watanabe, M. / Ibrahim, K. / Arenholz, E. / Young, A. / Guo, J. / Tomioka, Y. / Fadley, C. (2008) |
Physical Review B 77 (2008), 12, 125134 |
Digital In-line Soft X-ray Holography with chemical resolution | Rosenhahn, A. / Barth, R. / Staier, F. / Simpson, T. / Mittler, S. / Eisebitt, S. / Grunze, M. (2008) |
Journal of the Optical Society of America A 25 (2008), 2, 416 |
Advanced Nanostructures for the control of biofouling: The FP6 EU project AMBIO | Rosenhahn, A. / Ederth, T. / Pettitt, M. (2008) |
Biointerphases 3 (2008), 1 |
Bilder aus der Tiefe: Digitale In-line Holographie | Rosenhahn, A. (2008) |
Nachrichten aus der Chemie 56 (2008), 55-58 |
Funktionalisierter Koordinationsraum in metall-organischen Gerüsten | Fischer, R. / Wöll, C. (2008) |
Angewandte Chemie 43 (2008), 120, 8285-8289 |
Dependance of surface properties on adsorbate-substrate distance: Work function changes and binding energy shifts for I/Pt (111) | Bagus, P. / Wieckowski, A. / Wöll, C. (2008) | Surf. Sci. 603 (2008), 273-283 |
Surface of Ti-Ni alloys after their preparation | Saldan, I. / Frenzel, J. / Shekhah, O. / Chelmowski, R. / Birkner, A. / Wöll, C. (2008) |
J. Alloys and Compounds 470 (2008), 1-2, 568-573 |
Selen als Schlüsselkomponente für hochgeordnete aromatische selbstorganisierte Monoschichten | Bashir, A. / Käfer, D. / Müller, J. / Wöll, C. / Terfort, A. / Witte, G. (2008) | Angew. Chem. 120 (2008), 5328-5331
Self-Assembled Monolayers of Benzylmercaptan and p-Cyanobenzylmercaptan on Au(111) Surfaces: Structural and Spectroscopic Characterization | Hallmann, L. / Bashir, A. / Strunskus, T. / Adelung, R. / Staemmler, V. / Wöll, C. / Tuczek, F. (2008) | Langmuir 24 (2008), 5726-5733
Thin films – Custom made organic surfaces | Kind, M. / Wöll C. (2008) | Chemie in unserer Zeit (2008), 42, 128-141 |
Functionalized Coordination Space in Metal-Organic Frameworks | Wöll, C. / Fischer, R.A. (2008) | Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (2008), 47, 8164-8168 |
Spektroskopische Charakterisierung und kontrollierte Veränderung eines Einzelmoleküls durch das Tunneln von Elektronen | Wöll, C. (2008) | Angew. Chem Int. Ed. 120 (2008), 8, 1384-1386 |
Spectroscopic Characterization and Deliberate Modification of a Single Molecule by Tunneling of Electrons | Wöll, C. (2008) | Angew. Chem Int. Ed., 47 (2008), 8, 1364-1366 |
Diffusion versus Desorption: Complex Behavior of H Atoms on an Oxide Surface | Yin, X. -L. / Calatayud, M. / Qiu, H. / Wang, Y. / Birkner, A. / Minot, C. / Wöll, C. (2008) | ChemPhysChem 9 (2008), 2, 253-256 |
Resolving the depth coordinate in photoelectron spectroscopy – Comparison of excitation energy variation vs. angular-resolved XPS for the analysis of a self-assembled monolayer model system | Merzlikin, V. / Tolkachev, N. N. / Strunskus, Th. / Witte, G. / Glogowski, Th. / Wöll, C. / Grünert, W. (2008) |
Surf. Sci. 602 (2008), 755–767 |
Molecular beam deposition and characterization of thin organic films on metals for applications in organic electronics | Witte, G. / Wöll, C. (2008) |
Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 205 (2008), 3, 497-510 |
Work Function Changes Induced by Charged Adsorbates | Bagus, P. S. / Käfer, D. / Witte, G. / Wöll, C. (2008) |
Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 (2008), 126101 |
Carbon-Carbon Bond Formation on Model Titanium Oxide Surfaces: Identification of Surface Reaction Intermediates by HREELSH | Qiu, H. / Idriss, H. / Wang, Y. / Wöll, C. (2008) | J. Phys. Chem. C 112 (2008), 26, 9828-9834
Direct Monitoring of Photo-induced Reactions on Well-defined Metal Oxide Surfaces Using Vibrational Spectroscopy | Rohmann, C. / Wang, Y. / Muhler, M. / Metson, J. B. / Idriss, H. / Wöll, C. (2008) | Chem. Phys. Lett. 460 (2008), 10-12 |
Influence of contact metals on the erformance and morphology of pentacene bottom-contact field-effect transistors | Bock, C. / Pham, D. V. / Kunze, U. / Käfer, D. / Witte, G. / Wöll, C. (2008) | Physica E 40 (2008), 2107-2109 |
Grafting of monocarboxylic substituted polychlorotriphenylmethyl radicals onto a COOH-functionalized self-assembled monolayer through copper (II) metal ions | Shekhah, O. / Veciana, J. / Ocal, C. / Roques, N. / Mugnaini, V. / Munuera, C. / Wöll, C. (2008) |
Langmuir 24 (2008), 13, 6640-6648 |
Dünnstschichten - Maßgeschneiderte Organische Oberflächen | Kind, M. / Wöll, C. (2008) | ChiuZ 2 (2008), 42, 128-141 |
Fabrication of an Amino-Terminated Organic Surface by Chemical Conversion of a Nitro-Terminated Self-Assembled Monolayer | Al-Rawashdeh, N.A.F. / Azzam, W. / Wöll, C. (2008) |
Z. Phys. Chem. 42 (2008), 2, 965-978 |
A case study on biological activity in a surface-bound multicomponent system: The biotin-streptavidin-peroxidase system | Chelmowski, R. / Prekelt, A. / Grunwald, C. / Wöll, C. (2008) |
J. Phys. Chem. A (2008), 111, 12295-12303 |
Selenium as a key element for highly ordered aromatic self-assembled monolayers | Bashir, A. / Käfer, D. / Müller, J. / Wöll, C. / Terfort, A. / Witte, G. (2008) | Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 47 (2008), 5250-5252 |
CO2 Adlayers on the Mixed Terminated ZnO(10-10) Surface Studied by He Atom Scattering, Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Ab Initio Electronic Structure Calculations | Kotsis, K. / Stodt, D. / Staemmler, V. / Kováčik, R. / Meyer, B. / Traeger, F. / Langenberg, D. / Strunskus, Th. / Kunat, M. / Wöll, C. (2008) |
Z. Phys. Chem. (2008), 222, 891-915 |
The identification of hydroxyl groups on ZnO nanoparticles by infrared spectroscopy | Noei, H. / Qiu, H. / Wang, Y. / Löffler, E. / Wöll, C. / Muhler, M. (2008) |
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. (2008), 10, 7092-7097 |
The controlled growth of oriented metal organic frameworks on functionalized surfaces as followed by Scanning Force Microscopy | Munuera, C. / Shekhah, O. / Wang, H. / Wöll, C. / Ocal, C. (2008) |
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 10 (2008), 7257-7261 |
Comparison of the O Kα x-ray emission bands in micro- and mesoporous silica materials and in α-quartz | Khyzhun, O. / Strunskus, T. / Wöll, C. / Gies, H. / Staemmler, V. (2008) | J. Chem. Phys. 129 (2008), 8, 084711 |
Metallization of a thiol-terminated organic surface using chemical vapor deposition | Rajalingam, K. / Strunskus, T. / Terfort, A. / Fischer, R. / Wöll, C. (2008) |
Langmuir 24 (2008), 15, 7986-7994 |
Peptide-based SAMs that resists the Adsorption of Proteins | Chelmowski, R. / Köster, S.D. / Kerstan, A. / Prekelt, A. / Grunwald, C. / Winkler, T. / Metzler-Nolte, N. / Terfort, A. / Wöll, C. (2008) | J. Am. Chem. Soc. 130 (2008), 45, 14952-14953 |
Ionization energies of shallow donor states in ZnO created by reversible formation and depletion of H interstitials | Qiu, H. / Meyer, B. / Wang, Y. / Wöll, C. (2008) |
Phys. Rev. Lett. 101 (2008), 236401 |
A gold-containing TiO complex: a crystalline molecular precursor as an alternative route to Au/TiO2 composites | Rohe, M. / Löffler, E. / Muhler, M. / Birkner, A. / Wöll, C. / Merz, K. (2008) | Dalton Trans. 44 (2008), 6106-6109 |
Visualizing the Frontier Orbitals of a Conformationally Adapted Metalloporphyrin | Weber-Bargioni, A. / Auwärter, W. / Klappenberger, F. / Reichert, J. / Lefrançois, S. / Strunskus, T. / Wöll, C. / Schiffrin, A. / Pennec, Y. / Barth, J.V. (2008) |
ChemPhysChem 9 (2008), 1, 89-94 |
Does the Surface Matter? Hydrogen-Bonded Chain Formation of an Oxalic Amide Derivative in a Two- and Three-Dimensional Environment | Klappenberger, F. / CaÇas-Ventura, M. E. / Clair, S. / Pons, S. / Schlickum, U. / Qu, Z.-R. / Strunskus, T. / Comisso, A. / Wöll, C. / Brune, H. / Kern, K. / De Vita, A. / Ruben, M. / Barth, J.V. (2008) | ChemPhysChem 9 (2008), 2522-2530 |
The Structural Comparison between Al-MCM-41 and B-MCM-41 | Adjdir, M / Ali-Dagmae, T. / Weidler, P.G. (2008) | Comptes Rendus Chimie (2008) |
Surface Topography of Iron Oxides: Interrelations between Converged Roughness Parameters and Geochemical Characteristics | Fischer, C. / Karius, V. / Lüttge, A. / Weidler, P.G. (2008) |
Langmuir (2008) |
Ferromagnetic resonance and magnetic characteristics of intact magnetosome chains in magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense | Fischer, H. / Mastrogiacomo, G. / Löffler, J.F. / Warthmann, R.J. / Weidler, P.G. / Gehring, A.U. (2008) |
Earth Planet Sci Let., 270 (2007), 3-4, 200-208 |
Change of the Refractive Index of Illite Particles by Reduction of Iron content of the Octahedral Sheet | Friedrich, F. / Steudel, A. / Weidler, P.G. (2008) |
Clays Clay Min. 56 (2008), 5, 505-510 |
Magnetic Metastability in Natural Hemo-ilmenite Solid Solution (y = 0.83) | Gehring, A.U. / Mastrogiacomo, G. / Fischer, H. / Weidler, P.G. / Luster J. (2008) | J. Mag. Mat., 320 (2008), 23, 3307-3312 |
Investigation of siloxane films on functionalized Germanium crystals by Atomic Force Microscopy and FTIR-ATR spectroscopy | Glowacky, J. / Heißler, S. / Boese, M. / Leiste, H. / Koker, T. / Faubel, W. / Gerdes, A. / Müller, H.S. (2008) | Restoration and Buildings and Monuments 14 (2008), 6, 413-424 |
Investigation of siloxane films on functionalized Germanium crystals by Atomic Force Microscopy and FTIR-ATR spectroscopy | Glowacky, J. / Heißler, S. / Boese, M. /Leiste, H. / Koker, T. / Faubel, W. / Gerdes, A. / Müller, H.S. (2008) | Hydrophob V (2008), 219 -232
Optical methods for measurements of skin penetration | Gotter, B. / Faubel, W. / Neubert, R.H.H. (2008) | Skin Pharmacol Physiol 21 (2008), 156-165
Photothermal deflection determination of iron (II) with ferrozine with sorption preconcentration on silufol plates | Khrycheva, A.D. / Nedosekin, D.A. / Proskurnin, M.A. / Kononets, M.Y. / Pakhomova, S.V. / Faubel, W. (2008) |
Appl. Spectrosc. (2008), 450-457
Application of photothermal deflection spectroscopy for the determination of iron (II) with ferrozine with sorption preconcentration on silufol. Photothermal and Photoacoutic Phenomena | Khrycheva, A.D. / Nedosekin, D.A. / Proskurnin, M.A. / Kononets, M.Y. / Pakhomova, S.V. / Faubel, W. / Heissler, S. (2008) |
Eur. Phys. Special Topics (2008), 41- 44 |
Titel | Autor | Quelle |
IR spectroscopy diagnostics for microwave processing | Link, G. / Heissler, St. / Faubel, W. / Weidler, P.G. / Thumm, M. (2008) | 7th Int Workshop, Strong Microwaves: sources and Applications, Nizhny Novgoorod, Russland, 26. July - 3. Aug, 2008, 1-8 |
Novel methods to investigate microwave specific effects | Link, G. / Heissler, St. / Faubel, W. / Weidler, P.G. / Miksch, S. / Thumm, M. (2008) |
1st Global Conf. Microwave Energy Applications, Otsu. Japan, 4.-8. August, 2008, 275-278 |
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Mechanisms Governing the Growth of Organic Oligophenyle “Needles” on Au Substrates | Hänel, K. / Wöll, C. (2008) |
Al-Shamery, K. / Rubahn, H.G. / Sitter, H. (2008): Organic Nanostructures for Next Generation Devices (2008). 8 Aufl. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag (Springer Series in Material Science 101), 195-216 |
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Methode zur Mikro- und Nanostrukturierung | Gliemann, H. / Pancera, S.M. / Shimmel, Th. (2008) |
German patent, DE102007007719A1 |
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Relevance of polymeric matrix enzymes during biofilm formation | Romani, A. / Fund, K. / Artigaz, J. / Schwartz, T. / Sabater, S. / Obst, U. (2008) |
Microbial Ecology (2008), 56, 3, 427-436 |
Relevance of polymeric matrix enzymes during biofilm formation | Romani, A. / Fund, K. / Artigas, J. / Schwartz, T. / Sabater, S. / Obst, U. (2008) | Microbial Ecology 56 (2008), 3, 427-436 |
Molecular monitoring of inactivation efficiencies of bacteria during pulsed electric field (PEF) treatment of clinical waste water | Rieder, A. / Schwartz, T. / Schön-Hölz, K. / Marten, S.M. / Süß, J. / Gusbeth, C. / Kohnen, W. / Swoboda, W. / Obst, U. / Frey, W. (2008) | Applied Microbiology 105 (2008), 2035-2045 |
Molecular monitoring of inactivation efficiencies of bacteria during pulsed electric field (PEF) treatment of clinical wastewater | Rieder, A. / Schwartz, T. / Schön-Hölz, K. / Marten, S-M / Süß, J. / Gusbeth, C. / Kohnen, W. / Swoboda, W / Obst, U. / Frey, W. (2008) |
Journal of Applied Microbiology (2008) |
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In vivo labeling of de novo synthesized bacterial RNA and their specific separation by magnetic bead technology | Stankiewicz, N. / Berensmeier, S. / Franzreb, M. / Schwartz, T.(2008) |
22nd International Symposium on Microscale Bioseparations & Methods for Systems Biology, Freie Universität Berlin, Deutschland, 9-13 März, 2008 |
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Anthropogene Spurenstoffe im Wasserkreislauf – Arzneistoffe | Bauer, KH / Dieter, H. / Dünnbier, U. / Geißen, SU / Grummt, T. / Knacker, T. / Mückter, H. / Seel, P. / Siegrist, H. / Schwartz, T. / Teiser, B. / Ternes, T. / Weber, L. (2008) |
DWA-Themen (2008) |