X-ray holographic microscopy with zone plates applied to biological samples in the water window using 3rd harmonic radiation from the free-electron laser FLASH
Gorniak, T. / Heine, R. / Mancuso, A. / Staier, F. / Christophis, C. / Pettitt, M. / Sakdinawat, A. / Treusch, R. / Guerassimova, N. / Feldhaus, J. / Gutt, C. / Grübel, G. / Eisebitt, S. / Beyer, A. / Gölzhäuser, A. / Weckert, E. / Grunze, M. / Vartanyants, I. / Rosenhahn, A. (2011)
Optics Express 19 (2011), 12, 11059
- Datum: 2011
Gorniak, T. / Heine, R. / Mancuso, A. / Staier, F. / Christophis, C. / Pettitt, M. / Sakdinawat, A. / Treusch, R. / Guerassimova, N. / Feldhaus, J. / Gutt, C. / Grübel, G. / Eisebitt, S. / Beyer, A. / Gölzhäuser, A. / Weckert, E. / Grunze, M. / Vartanyants, I. / Rosenhahn, A. (2011): „X-ray holographic microscopy with zone plates applied to biological samples in the water window using 3rd harmonic radiation from the free-electron laser FLASH“. In: Optics Express 19 (2011), 12, 11059
One current challenge is to match both the desired energy and the intensity of the light source. We present the first images of dehydrated biological material acquired with 3rd harmonic radiation from FLASH by digital in-line zone plate holography as one step towards the vision of imaging hydrated biological material with photons in the water window. We also demonstrate the first application of ultrathin molecular sheets as suitable substrates for future free-electron laser experiments with biological samples in the form of a rat fibroblast cell and marine biofouling bacteria Cobetia marina.