Single-pulse resonant magnetic scattering using a soft X-ray free-electron laser
Gutt, C. / Streit-Nierobisch, S. / Stadler, L. / Pfau, B. / Günther, C. / Könnecke, R. / Frömter, R. / Kobs, A. / Stickler, D. / Oepen, H. / Fäustlin, R. / Treusch, R. / Feldhaus, J. / Weckert, E. / Vartanyants, I. / Grunze, M. / Rosenhahn, A. / Wilhein, T. / Eisebitt, S. / Grübel, G. (2010)
Physical Review B (2010), 81
- Datum: 2011
Gutt, C. / Streit-Nierobisch, S. / Stadler, L. / Pfau, B. / Günther, C. / Könnecke, R. / Frömter, R. / Kobs, A. / Stickler, D. / Oepen, H. / Fäustlin, R. / Treusch, R. / Feldhaus, J. / Weckert, E. / Vartanyants, I. / Grunze, M. / Rosenhahn, A. / Wilhein, T. / Eisebitt, S. / Grübel, G. (2010):„Single-pulse resonant magnetic scattering using a soft X-ray free-electron laser“. In: Physical Review B (2010), 81
We report on single-pulse resonant magnetic scattering experiments using soft x-ray pulses generated by the free-electron laser FLASH at DESY. We could record a magnetic diffraction pattern from a Co/Pt multilayer sample at the Co M(2,3) edge with a single 30-fs-long FEL pulse. The analysis of the magnetic small-angle scattering signal for subsequent pulses indicates a threshold energy density below which there is no indication that the magnetic properties of the sample might be altered.