Three-dimensional electrostatic interactions in dynamic force microscopy: Experiment and theory

  • Autor:

    König, T. / Heinke, L. / Simon, G. / Heyde, M. (2011)

  • Quelle:

    Physical Review Letters B, 83 (2011), 19, 195435

  • Datum: 2011
  • König, T. / Heinke, L. / Simon, G. / Heyde, M. (2011): „Three-dimensional electrostatic interactions in dynamic force microscopy: Experiment and theory“. In: Physical Review Letters B, 83 (2011), 19, 195435




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The measurand in dynamic force microscopy is the frequency shift, which is a direct function of the tip-sample interaction. In this work, this interaction is experimentally investigated in the parameter space of tip-sample distance and bias voltage. This three-dimensional database is theoretically described by a simple model of a Lennard-Jones potential superimposed with an electrostatic potential. The detailed study of the tip-sample interaction is essential for many scanning probe measurements and offers insight, e.g., into charge states of defects which are supposed to dominate the surface chemistry of many materials.