Preliminary risk assessment from a hygienic medical perspective concerning antibiotic-resistant bacteria in water bodies, wastewater, bathing water and possible consequences for drinking water hygiene
Exner, M. / Schmithausen, R. / Schreiber, C. / Bierbaum, G. / Parcina, M. / Engelhart, S. / Kistemann, T. / Sib, E. / Walger, P. / Schwartz, T. (2018)
HygMed 2018, 43, 5, D46-D54
- Date: Mai 2018
Against the background of the increasing prevalence of strains of common pathogenetic bacteria resistant to reserve antibiotics like carbapenem and colistin and the increasing numbers of reports of the occurence of these bacteria in the environment, in water bodies and in sewage, the BMBF-funded research project HyReKa was implemented. The aim of this research project is to assess the quantitative and qualitative contamination of wastewater with and without the impact of effluents from hospital and / or from agriculture plants, of water bodies and wastewater treatment plants (with consideration of their microbial reduction performance) with regard to antibiotic-resistant bacteria, antibiotic resistance and antibiotic residues by means of cultural, molecular, molecular genetic and chemical-analytical methods.