Water-Stable Nanoporous Polymer Films with Excellent Proton Conductivity

  • chair:

    Wang, Z. / Liang, C. / Tang, H. / Grosjean, S. / Shahnas, A. / Lahann, J. / Bräse, S. / Wöll, C. (2017) 

  • place:

    Macromolecular Rapid Communications, published online 18.12.17, DOI: 10.1002/marc.201700676

  • Date: Dezember 2017


Achieving high values for proton conductivity in a material critically depends on providing hopping sites arranged in a regular fashion. Record values reported for regular, molecular crystals cannot yet be reached by technologically relevant systems, and the best values measured for polymer membranes suited for integration into devices are almost two orders of magnitude lower. Here, an alternative polymer membrane synthesis strategy based on the chemical modification of surface-mounted, monolithic, crystalline metal–organic framework thin films is demonstrated. Due to chemical crosslinking and subsequent removal of metal ions, these surface-mounted gels (SURGELs) are found to exhibit high proton conductivity (0.1 S cm−1 at 30 °C and 100% RH (relative humidity). These record values are attributed to the highly ordered polymer network structure containing regularly spaced carboxylic acid side groups. These covalently bound organic frameworks outperform conventional, ion-conductive polymers with regard to ion conductivity and water stability. Pronounced water-induced swelling, which causes severe mechanical instabilities in commercial membranes, is not observed.

